Saturday, August 31, 2019
Independent/Alternative vs. Mainstream Media
Many issues immediately rose up after the incident of the September 11 bombing, many of which include criticisms and comments on what really happened and who actually did it. Michael Moore was one of these people. Michael Francis Moore is a Michigan-born director cum author cum political activist that has been known widely because of his fearless views on globalizations, large corporate companies, Iraq Wars and the US intervention, and most especially, a major critic if the US President George W. Bush.He was the author of several best-selling books including political writings about the country’s leaders. This includes â€Å"Downsize This (1996), â€Å"Stupid White Men†(2001), and â€Å"Dude, Where’s My Country?†(2003). Moore started a lot of directing stints, starting from documentaries about his hometown, to fictional satirical movies, and back to award-winning documentaries where he became known by the masses, developing a lot of following, a lot of friends, and a lot of enemies as well.He became involved with primetime television when he was given the chance to host and the same time direct the television series â€Å"TV Nation,†a news magazine show that tackles delicate topics which other television shows avoid. It aired for 9 and 8 episodes on NBC and FOX respectively. He had another major series, â€Å"The Awful Truth,†which tackled the wrong doings of major corporations and politicians. This television stint lasted the whole 1999 and 2000. He was given another series, â€Å"Michael Moore Live†aired in UK. He was awarded for being â€Å"The Awful Truth,†as a good producer and host.Mike’s Videos, Films, and DocumentariesMichael Moore Became involved in creating various takes on political and corporate wrong-doings through audio-visual media like music videos, fictional films and comprehensive documentaries. Through these, he was able to communicate to the people to his perspective on de licate topics regarding the political and economic players of the country and was often hated by these people because of his â€Å"offensive†creations.Michael Moore’s works came into light with his take on the aftermath of September 11, ’01 bombings. This film documentary is entitled â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11†which examines the possible â€Å"links†between George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden’s families. It is a documentary against the Bush administration which elicited various reactions from the President’s allies and friends. He aimed for the film documentary to be watched by a lot of people, not only the Americans but all over the world. This is to enlighten them, show them what could be a very upsetting truth about Bush and his call on terrorism.Fahrenheit was given recognition and was awarded the top honor at Cannes Film Festival, the Palme d’OR, setting a record to be the first ever film documentary to have won that prize. I t has been an award-winning work of Michael Moore, making it the highest-grossing documentary of all time, earning an almost 200 million dollars all over the world, 120 million of which, came from United States alone. It became a talk of the world, since it tackles on a different perspective of the September 11 terrorist attack, putting the President himself, George W. Bush, on the hot seat. This rather different look on terrorism greatly affected how people looked at the President, thus eliciting anger and negative reactions from his followers. They condemned the work of Moore, including his friends in the mainstream media.Moore and his â€Å"Farenheit 9/11†There had been a lot varied reactions with Moore’s award winning film documentary. A lot of these were the negative reactions from different news networks, all saying that Moore was telling the whole American viewers his preconceived lies about the President George W. Bush and the September 11 terrorists’ at tacks.  Moore allowed to be interviewed by ABC’s anchor George Stephanopoulos on the â€Å"This Week†show. He was able to address and recognize the major points of his critics.Taking the situation of the Saudi Nationals, including the alleged bin Laden family; they were allowed to leave the United States just after the September 11 attacks. During that time, all commercial flights were grounded. Moore is saying that it is the President’s doing to clear those flights, because of the fact that they have family business ties to the Saudis, thus leading to the clearing of the bin Laden family also. The former security adviser Richard Clarke, known to be a Bush critic said that he was the one responsible for clearing the flights, thus alleviating Bush of the doubts connected to him. Moore’s say on this was that Clarke made a wrong decision because he admitted making mistakes, but he already apologized to the families of the September 11 victims.Mainstream media’s take on Moore and his â€Å"Fahrenheit†Moore’s response to the interview could be considered as his evasion to the topic, but this wasn’t taken by News channels lightly. ABC, instead of putting it on the subsequent news stories, have made a direct action against it. The network launched direct actions, two-pronged attacks on the film and its accuracy, starting from their early morning News shows up to the station’s late night news.They hit on Moore and his work without allowing Moore the chance to respond to their grave claims that are greatly damaging. Segments started with the graphic question, â€Å"Fact or Fiction?†thus hinting that Moore is not a reliable source, feeding the viewers with his lies, damaging his reputation to the people. They just relied on Clarke’s statements, yet didn’t make the effort to ask the side of Moore for his answers.â€Å"Good Morning America†publicist Bridgette Maney said that A BC News gave Moore his fair share of a chance to respond, to defend him of these accusations. Cathie Levine, ABC News spokesperson said that they didn’t lack any attempts to give Moore a chance, that they had ran a clip from the Stephanopoulos interview after the airing of Clarke’s statement. Yet, the clip they have shown didn’t have any response from Moore. They have wrongly positioned the man, showing the people that he’s a liar, yet his justifications was not shown to the public, an example of the negative publicity they are giving Moore.Another station that reacted with Moore’s â€Å"Fahrenheit†was NBC, giving out highly negative assessments of the film documentary. These were shown on both their â€Å"Nightly News†and their cable channel, MSNBC. They tagged their coverage of Moore’s works as a â€Å"truth squad report,†again clearly implying that Moore’s works were just but a work of fiction, a product of his imagination, a documentary conceived from lies and radical imaginations. Lisa Myers, a senior correspondent of NBC, clearly showcased the hilarious, comical moment in Fahrenheit 9/11, as an important part of the â€Å"truth squad’s†expose.In this part, it shows when Moore asked some of the legislators to sign their children up as volunteers to fight in Iraq on the President’s campaign against terrorism. Lisa Myer’s pinpointed one incident, when Moore failed to put in and include the comments of a confused Republican congress member, Mark Kennedy. He replied that his nephew was called into service and that he’s already going to Afghanistan. Lisa Myers pointed that Moore didn’t like the legislator’s response that’s why he didn’t include it on the documentary. Moore rebutted that in the Stephanopoulos interview that when they interviewed Kennedy, he didn’t have any family members in Afghanistan. But just lik e ABC, NBC made no effort to include this rebuttal in their reports.Considering the responses from these mainstream news giants, they are all one-sided. It is possible that Moore could have fabricated the contents of his film documentary, but they lacked a lot regarding the explanation of Moore’s side. They have loaded leading phrases, like â€Å"fact or fiction,†and â€Å"truth squad,†which could be wrongly interpreted by the viewers, implying Moore’s lack of credibility.They have also omitted Moore’s answers to certain important question, making him look like a liar who can’t defend his statements, thus making him look bad to the people. Why would these networks do these, clearly showing that they are giving a bias in this case? Looking closely, NBC is owned and managed by General Electric, a company that plays a key role in National Defense because they are their prime contractors. On the other hand, ABC is owned by Disney, even though they have no evident connections to the government, they solely depend on the benefits they get from federal regulators, benefiting from the influence they have on the people, thus maintaining a good image to the people.Disney even manipulated its subsidiary, Miramax, on handling of Fahrenheit’s distribution, pulling pressure in order for the latter to pull their support in the dissemination of the film documentary on a larger scale. When you look at it closely, both NBC and ABC have a lot to gain in joining the attack on Moore’s work rather than staying still, being neutral.Independent/Alternative media on Moore and his â€Å"Fahrenheit†On another perspective, Moore’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11†documentary film got overwhelmingly favorable reviews from the majority of independent media. Fahrenheit ignited a â€Å"fire†which led to various discussions on some alternative media that people access everyday. This includes blogs, journals, and web- based system for information dissemination.There has been a fairly large contribution from websites talking about important points on Moore’s film documentary. There were negative comments, yet they were seemingly justified by sites and posts that tackle favorable reactions on Fahrenheit. Thus, Fahrenheit made a difference, wherein not only the Americans derived a sense of the level of deception they have had, but also to those who wrongly accused Moore, forcing them to bear the humiliation it entailed.Conclusion/ImplicationsThe implication of Michael Moore’s work to alternative media was very positive. It elicited personal opinions from people reading it or those who have come across it. This was the main difference between the information dispersal between alternative and mainstream media. The audiences, the people reading or hearing or watching the news feed could interact, reacts, comments and discuss essential points. There is transparency, because they could ques tion the reliability, the credibility of the source of information.Whereas the mainstream media could clearly manipulate the information they are feeding the people. Take for example the omissions in Moore’s statements, his rebuttal to the negative points raised by his critics. They were deliberately manipulated, removed by the News stations in order to prove one aspect. It is to further question Moore’s credibility as a source of information, as the one who conceived the idea of the â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11.†References:â€Å"Michael Moore Exposed†. 2005. February 8 2007. .Hitchens, Christopher. â€Å"Unfairenheit 9/11:The Lies of Michael Moore.† 2004. February 8 2007. .North, Gary. †Mainstream Media Vs Upstream Media â€Å". 2005. February 8 2007. .
Friday, August 30, 2019
Domestic Polices of Johnson and Eisenhower Essay
The decades of 1950s and early 60s were periods of unprecedented affluence, prosperity and economic growth for USA, at scales that is difficult to match by any other country in human history. Years of persistent industrial growth, technological advances, and a full-time developed economy during the Second World War set the platform for USA to experience continued improvements in its industrial outputs, living standards, individual income, business and commercial profits, and infrastructural and capital growth. With its GDP and GNP repeatedly touching new record heights, USA had undisputedly become world’s richest behemoth. However, amidst this spectacular mantle of prosperity, there remained large patches of poverty, racial discriminations, unemployment and inequality that did not conform to high level of affluence generally attained through out the nation. To bridge this yawning gap, President Johnson launched the concept of ‘Great Society’ with aim to bring equality and justice in US and distribute fruits of growth and prosperity to every citizen. Policies and Programs of ‘Great Society’ The landslide victory of Lyndon Johnson in 1964 general election gave him suitable platform introduce a series of legislations concerning education, healthcare, environmental protection, consumer rights, regional and urban development, civil rights, employment opportunities, social welfare and income supplement programs, as part of his vision towards the great society. As Johnson himself belonged to middle class family, his ideas were well shaped and oriented towards the exact framework that he wished to create. Pursuant to this vision he proceeded to introduce a number of legislations that included, Food Stamp legislation, Civil Rights Acts, Economic Opportunity Act, Mass Transport Program, Public Work and Employment Act, and Medical Health Car, Social Support, and Education Programs. The notable programs under Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ were 1. Income Assistance: Under the Income Assistance program, financial coverage and assistance were provided to people to enable them to support themselves and become self-dependent. People were counseled, advices and encouraged to strive to meet their own requirements, under government aegis. 2. Education and training: Johnson was of firm view that education and training had crucial role in uplift deprived people to general levels of prosperity and affluence, providing tools and paths to break the vicious cycle of poverty and seclusion. Therefore, he put special emphasis on providing equal educational opportunities to economically deprived children. In the ‘Great Society’ Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, special provisions were included to provide financial help, services and required assistance to schooling agencies and boards covering areas with economically disadvantaged families. Further, provisions were instituted that provided direct financial help and support to individual disadvantaged students. A number of training programs were launched in semi urban and rural areas to provide work exposure, work related training and vocational training to people, to enable them to earn and break free of poverty. 3. Healthcare and Medicare Programs: Recognizing the requirement of healthcare for all, an integral part of ‘Great Society’ vision was to provide medical care for elder and poor people, who are unable to look after themselves. The Social Security Act of 1965 and 66 ensured health care and medical treatment for people belonging to all age groups. 4. Housing: A rapidly emerging urban America required houses to support the millions that came to cities to full fill their dreams. Concurrent were the problems of providing secure shelter to thousands homeless poor, left stranded on streets in inclement conditions. Therefore through Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 one the one hand government targeted construction of 26 million additional rehabilitation units and on other provided for easy flow of real estate credit, liberalized loan market, expanded public housing fund, and low installments to enable people in low and middle income groups to own houses. 5. Environment: One of significant achievements of Great Society vision was launching policies to make environment as free of pollutants and chemicals as possible, and thus imitating the drive towards environmental awareness. Armed with a number of acts and legislations such as Clear Air, Water Quality and Clean Water Restoration Acts and Amendments, Wilderness Act of 1964, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965, Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act of 1965 etc, Johnson tried to create a social culture that is aware of its responsibilities in protecting environment. Differences with Eisenhower People, and especially poor oriented polices launched by Johnson stood in contrast with the generally industrial and business focused programs adopted by Eisenhower in his regime from 1953-61. During the Presidency of Eisenhower, social welfare programs had taken backstage before large-scale industrial, infrastructural, and military programs. Although the entire nation as an entity move ahead, serious gaps had remained in its fabrics that Johnson tried to cover with his welfare programs under ‘Great Society’
Alexander Hamilton’s Electoral College and the Modern
Alexander Hamilton’s Electoral College and the Modern Election Alexander Hamilton’s Electoral College and the Modern Election Colin Campbell Prof. R Hurl TA: Matthew Lesch Tutorial: Thursday, 4:00 PM, UC 67) U. S. Government and Politics (POL 208 Y1Y) 1 November 2012 Alexander Hamilton’s Electoral College and the Modern Election When American's leaders assembled in Philadelphia in 1787, they originally had the goal of solving issues that had arisen from the Articles of Confederation, which had governed the young nation since separating from Britain.Instead, they drafted a completely new document that established a more permanent and effective central government. With it, they established the office of President of the United States. Rather than being directly elected by the people or selected by the legislature – as described by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers – the head of state was to be elected by an independent institution that exist ed solely for the purpose of finding a man who was up to the job: a group that would become known as the Electoral College.However, as the political nature of the country evolved in an unanticipated and partisan way, the independence of this body became increasingly irrelevant, resulting in a system which fails to meet the standards of a true modern democracy. Although the Electoral College system has never substantially been reformed, it is now a mere formality which leads to the types of campaigns which it was designed to prevent. In The Federalist, Number 68, Hamilton argues that the president should be elected by individuals selected exclusively for that purpose, rather than by an existing body or by national popular vote. Hamilton, par. 8) Although never named as such in this or any other constitutional document, this would be the basis for the institution now known as the Electoral College. Rather than submitting the national leaders-in-waiting to the rigors of campaigning, wh ich would lead to what amounts to a popularity contest, the Founding Fathers believed that â€Å"a small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations. †(par. 3) Unlike the Congress, however, the ElectoralCollege would never meet as a single body. Each state's electors would convene in their respective capitals, then send notice to Washington of their votes. Hamilton believed that keeping the electors apart would reduce corruption by making it more difficult for any one political faction to manipulate the contenders, allowing them to focus exclusively on serving the interests of their state. (par. 4) Furthermore, selecting the president through this independent body would mean that he is accountable solely to the people and not to a legislative body which could depose of him if the two branches were not in agreement.His re-election would n ot be controlled by legislative enemies and allies. (par. 6) Each state would be granted as many electors has they had seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate combined, effectively compromising between the preferred plans of either all states having equal weight (as they do in the Senate) or distributing power based on population (as it is in the House). If no candidate were to receive a majority of the votes, the House would convene to select the President from the top five candidates. par. 7) Hamilton wished for the vice-president to be elected by the same body and through the same method, except that the Senate would select the winner for this office if no candidate won a majority. (par. 9) He notes that this is one of the few aspects of the new constitution that received little dissent, and the final system was ultimately very similar to the one he described. The vice-presidency was, until the passage of the twelfth amendment in 1804, awarded to the second place-can didate.However, this inherently resulted in a rival with opposing political views being first in line to the presidency, and therefore the system was changed to allow the electors to vote for both positions separately. (Nardulli 23) Each state is free to determine how its electors are selected, and various models have been used in the past. At the time of enactment, however, several assumptions about the system were made that would quickly prove to be untrue. It was generally believed that electors would selected from individual districts in a manner similar to congressmen, would exercise personal judgement when voting.It was also believed that they would frequently endorse candidates from their home state, ultimately meaning that no candidate would win a majority and that Congress would determine the victors from a short list of candidates. (41) Some states appointed their electors legislatively rather than through election, meaning that voters did not cast a ballot for either the president or the Electoral College. The emergence of organized political parties by the third election in 1796 led to nationally coordinated campaigns that severely reduced the number of expected candidates, and thus the likelihood that no one would achieve a majority. 44) The results of the 2000 election between George Bush and Al Gore – in which Gore won the popular vote but narrowly lost the Electoral College after a controversial recount in Florida – highlight what is the largest criticism of the Electoral College: it is possible for a candidate to win the Presidency without winning the popular vote. Because less populous states have more electoral votes per capita than larger states, individual votes are disproportionately stronger. (Bennett 9) Detractors of the College claim that this is inherently undemocratic, as all votes should be considered equal in a true democracy.Final victors have only lost the popular vote on two other occasions (in 1876 and 1888), and there has therefore never been substantial support for re-examining the system until 2000. Although the disproportionate power of smaller states has been commonly criticized, it is in fact the winner-take-all method in which states pledge their electoral votes that is responsible for discrepancies with the popular vote. It is currently possible a candidate to win the presidency by only winning as little as eleven states.He could win by a single vote in each of these states, but lose by a significant margin in every other state, yet his electoral count would still indicate him as the majority winner. Five of the seven elections between 1964 and 1988 were won by significant margins in the Electoral College. On each occasion, the winning candidate took at least forty states while barely winning more than 60% of the popular vote. This was most pronounced in the 1984 race between Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale. The latter received 40% of the popular vote, yet received the electoral vot es from Minnesota and D.C. Furthermore, in 1968 (when some states were won by independent candidate George Wallace) Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey both won approximately 43% of the popular vote, yet Nixon won the election outright with 56% of the Electoral College. (Bennett 37-42) While none of these instances resulted in the popular vote being overruled, they do demonstrate that elections are not a matter of getting the most people to vote for you, but rather the importance of getting the most people in the right places. Analysts have suggested that his year's race between President Obama and Governor Romney could produce a first for the Electoral College: a tie. Although unlikely, this cycle's set of swing states, along with the states that each candidate is presumed to win, allows for a specific combination of votes wherein each candidate would receive 269 electoral votes. While the college has failed to produce a winner in the past, it has always been due to the presence of a third-party candidate. It is also predicted that Republicans will retain control of the House, while the Democrats will continue to hold the Senate.Should the electoral votes come to a tie, these two chambers would be responsible for selecting the President and Vice-President, respectively. Assuming each party would support its nominee, the result would be a Romney-Biden government. (Hamby) Not since the twelfth amendment was passed have opponents been simultaneously elected to the lead the executive. While such a scenario is mathematically rare, it is absurd that a system of government would allow for such a possibility. Despite the counterintuitive relationship that the Electoral College has with the popular vote, there are some key benefits to keeping the system.It emphasizes the federal nature of the United States; that it is not just a monolithic country, but rather a federation of sovereign governments. Indeed, the fact this is found in the fact that each state is free to sel ect their electors any way they choose (through legislative appointment, districts, or winner-take-all). Most states (the exceptions being Maine and Nebraska) use the winner-take-all model to maximize their influence. If they were to be allocating their electors proportionally in a close race, opposing electors would essentially cancel each other out. Nardulli 28) Furthermore, guaranteeing a certain amount of power to each region ensures that it's power will not be reduced based on local factors such as bad weather. For example, even if New Jersey experiences very low voter turn-out because of Hurricane Sandy, those that do manage to get to the polls will still be able to exercise its fourteen electoral votes on behalf of the state. The real problems with the Electoral College do not stem from the mathematic anomalies and misrepresentations, but rather because it serves a political culture that Alexander Hamilton had not envisioned.He explicitly states that it is meant to find the b est man for the job, rather than subjecting the country to tumultuous elections. In modern times, however, electors are designated by their political parties, usually legally bound to vote for a particular candidate, and not even named on the ballot. It is no longer independent individuals who actually consider all possible candidates, but instead a mere rubber-stamp for the will of the electorate. Bennett 55) The Electoral College system envisioned by Alexander Hamilton was designed to be independent of the usual partisanship, with the principle goal of finding an individual who would best be suited as the country's chief administrator and head of state. While it still has the arguable benefit of forcing candidates to pay attention to less populous states, its members are effectively bound to follow the will of their constituents and are therefore unable to fulfill the intended mandate of their position. Works Cited Bennett, Robert.Taming the Electoral College. Palo Alto CA: Stanfo rd University Press, 2006. Hamby, Peter. â€Å"Electoral College Tie Possible in Obama-Romney Race. †CNN. com. Cable News Network, 30 July 2012. Retrieved 29 October 2012. Hamilton, Alexander. The Federalist Papers: Number 68. 1788. Retrieved 29 October 2012. Nardulli, Peter. Popular Efficacy in the Democratic Era. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Team Building 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Team Building 5 - Essay Example The teams should have the ability to decide the drawbacks of each member and the place that they are going wrong thereby leading to faulty production. After the identification of the faults a list of recommendations should be drawn up in order to address the same. The recommendations thus recorded should be discussed with the entire team. Brainstorming ideas help develop those further and identify the drawbacks, if any. The team members can also be interchanged to form new groups such that the working relationship between them can be developed and a better coordination can be achieved. The results of the newly formed group are compared with the previous ones so as to tabulate the results and draw comparison between the two. Such comparisons help in the development of the teams in the long run. The drawbacks thus identified will help both the teams in future to coordinate the work and achieve better results (West, 2012). 2. Design E is a mixed task force that has members from both the teams working together to develop solutions to interface problem. It is done such that a mutually beneficial end could be reached. It is a traditional method of team building and is used so that the problems in the production process can be solved by the teams without much difficulty (Dyer, Dyer & Dyer, 2007).This method facilitates least involvement of all the team members yet achieves to solve the inter-team problems and allows easy implementation of solutions. Projects in which the competition between the teams are so high that it destroys the competitive environment of the workplace, then such a method of team building is the most effective way. However Design E allows the team members to list the areas of concern one has against a fellow worker. The list is then discussed so that each member knows the areas that he should work on. This method thus increases
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Right to Vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Right to Vote - Essay Example One of the few countries in the Middle East that has allowed women the right to not only vote but also run for political office is Lebanon, showing a willingness to change with the times. â€Å"Lebanese women won the right to vote and to participate in national elections in 1952, 19 years before women in Switzerland†(Khalife, 2009). Although women in Lebanon are allowed the right to vote and hold political office it is still a very male dominated culture, â€Å"in fact, only 17 women have served in Lebanons Parliament since suffrage†(Khalife, 2009). One of the major reasons that women’s voices in Lebanon are marginalized is the fact that political parties are focused on sectarian differences. Lebanese politics are unique to the Middle East, with 18 separate political parties being recognized and allowed the right to represent the people. Although Lebanon is not considered free by freedom house, it is one of the few countries in the Middle Ea st that is actively working towards democratic representation of the people.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Modern Business Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Modern Business Research Methods - Essay Example through research. Research is all about fact gathering, relating facts with a focus idea, analysis, drawing conclusion and lastly acting and implementing. Over time, with technology emerging new avenues have been developed to collect data; each and every method of research is suited to particular requirements and factors and is used as per the benefit cost analysis of the situation. Some aspects of the past are studied either by perusing documents of the period or by interviewing individuals who have lived or have experienced during that time. An attempt is then made to study why certain things happened during that time and to explain as to why they happened. The documents that are generally consulted include newspapers, journals and magazines that were published and especially the data government and other private agencies maintain for both commercial and own use. The idea of conducting historical research does not indicate that it is unstructured; in fact, it is systematic process of searching for facts and then using the information to describe, analyse and interpret the past. The purpose of this research is to make people aware of what happened in the past so that they may learn from past failures and successes and to see whether they are applicable to present day problems and issues. It also assists in prediction and testing hypothesis concerning relationships or trends. FOCUS GROUPS: Focus groups are mainly interviews that let open discussion of the topic. They are generally used to develop new ideas. It has an objective and does not generally allow the discussion to deviate from it. People in focus groups openly share their thoughts, feelings, attitudes and ideas on the topic under the discussion. Generally, the focus group consists of 6-10 people at a time and a moderator who is responsible for facilitating the debate. The main advantage of focus group includes that views of many different people are gathered at one place. Since it is less formal than the structured interviews thus participants feel comfortable sharing their perspectives. Some of the drawbacks of focus group include that the views of individual participants are generally influenced by other participants and may indulge in group think. Moreover, it is difficult to gather people in one common location at a time. SURVEYS: This method involves asking the individuals questions which might be open or close ended. Surveys can be orally done or through written questionnaires. It is helpful in gathering primary data through a large number of audiences. The best part of using survey as a method of research is that they can be done face-to-face, via telephone, emails, fax etc. And thus it helps the researcher reach a mass number of respondents to gather information. Surveys can be cross-sectional or longitudinal Surveys are generally done to gather informa
Monday, August 26, 2019
Shakespeare in the Bush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Shakespeare in the Bush - Essay Example The tribal head, in the end, points out that the story has some loopholes and advises her that they should get guidance from them or their own elders to make the story of Hamlet more meaningful. Laura, a professor of anthropology is living among the people an Africa tribe for some research project. The people there remained busy in their ceremonies while the writer spent time in reading Hamlet. The writer used to go to their huts and drank beer with them and talked to them. Once the old man of the tribe showed curiosity in the â€Å" papers†read by the writer and asked them to tell the story she was reading. The writer told them the story of the Hamlet and during the rendition of the story it dawned upon Laura that it was difficult to communicate some concepts to these tribesmen as the concepts of â€Å" King†and â€Å" ghost†were alien to them and they were satisfied instead with the their own terms like â€Å" chief†and â€Å" witch†to interpret these concepts. Although the writer knew that the use of these words may change the connotations of the story but she had no other way. Furthermore, Hamlet’s reaction at the remarriag e of his mother was strange to them as in their culture it was a common practice and they saw no wickedness in Claudius’ acceding to throne and marrying Gertrude. Old man also thought that Ophelia must have killed by Laertes as a result of some witchcraft and they were also surprised at the fact that Polonius did not reveal his identity while hiding behind the arras. The Old man without embarrassing the writer makes her realize that there were certain flaws in the story and she should take the advice of the elders of her community to access to the true meaning of the story. Thus in the end the writer comes to know that the idea of universality of literature is somewhat baseless as every culture has its own ways of interpretation of stories and there could be more than one meaning to a story like
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Managing Communications,Knowledge and Information Assignment
Managing Communications,Knowledge and Information - Assignment Example The increasing importance of services and knowledge in the 21st century has successfully impressed China towards taking concrete steps and measures in the journey of becoming knowledge based society by itself. The information is identified as the basic and fundamental requirement for running any sort and type of business in any part of the globe. The investors on the other hand, are required to have timely and accurate information in order to make effective decisions. The investors in developing parts of the world do not have sufficient information and expertise that are required to take valuable decisions (Richard & Nory 2005). The lack of accurate information in addition with inability to follow economic rationality has repeatedly resulted in significant losses. The investors long for insightful analysis that can help them in making wise choices. The trend of online news agencies is very notably prevalent in developed and emerging parts of the world (Clemons, Gu, & Lang 2002). Thes e news agencies however, conceptualized to cover companies that are operating in advanced countries. The companies that are working in emerging economies are not being effectively covered by the financial news agencies. The increasing levels of Foreign Direct Investment in the featured economic sector of the globe, warrants the creation of permanent analytical facilities that can provide the investors with fresh insights on a daily basis. The target economies of Bangladesh and India will be kept under a bigger microscope as they are the leading and most probable candidate for transforming into leading nations in the future. The demise of America as a superpower in the near future will induce the development of smaller centers of political and fiscal strength throughout the world. The resource interdependencies are going to be more than stronger and because of this reason, national economic systems will become more conducive in the direction of developing and forging productive bilat eral trade agreements. In this way, it will not be a surprise to see South Asian economies emerging as the most profoundly developing sectors. The futuristic investment decisions will have widespread reparations for the entire economic system of the globe (Sachs, Warner, Aslund, & Fischer 1995). The proposed online news agency will keep a close eye on the developments occurring in all of the leading economies of the world. The economic experts from all over the world are invited to comment on the situation of stock markets. The main objective of starting a new business is to efficiently reduce the level of information asymmetry that is famous for prevailing between shareholders and corporate management teams. The developing economies’ citizens do not possess the enough level of comprehension needed to take delicate investment decisions. The important information about stock markets of emerging economies will be gathered through accessing sites such as Google Finance and Yahoo Finance. Based on the information provided by featured online sources, the financial experts are requested to guide investors’ decisions. The proposed online news agency will release list of the most attractive stocks on a daily basis. The financial decisions are supposed to be made after conduction detailed research. The investment decisions in South Asian countries are take in an impulsive fashion and therefore, they are notorious for yielding superficial financial gains.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Reproductive System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reproductive System - Assignment Example Julia had been working as a computer engineer in an information technology firm and she described her job as â€Å"moderately successful†. She had never been pregnant in her life. Her menses had started at the age of 12 years and had been fairly normal regarding frequency, duration and bleeding. She had become sexually active at the age of 19 years and had variably used diaphragms, condoms and oral contraceptive pills for contraception. She weighed normal for her height, was a non smoker and occasionally consumed alcohol on social occasions. Apart from few episodes of urinary tract infection, last one 2 years back, her other medical and surgical history was remarkable. Ross was an architect and content in his professional and personal life. He had no significant medical, surgical or sexual history. He was physically very active and a non smoker. When they visited the infertility specialist, both of them were questioned regarding their medical and sexual history. They were educ ated regarding the physiology of reproduction and the possible causes of their infertility. Regarding the female reproductive system, description of the organs of reproduction in female and the steps of oogenesis and menstrual cycle was explained: Female reproductive system, oogenesis and menstrual cycle Organs involved in reproduction in a female are ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina internally and external genitalia and mammary glands externally. Ovaries are small glands located on the sides of uterus. Germ cells in the ovary are referred to as ooogonia. At nearly 8 weeks of gestation, oogonia become primary oocytes by entering prophase of first meiotic division andundergo further change only before ovulation. A layer of granulosa cells surround this oocyte to form a primordial follicle. Out of all of the follicles, one follicle becomes dominant 5-7 days after menses (Knobil & Neill 2006). Due to hormonal action, meiosis is resumed and expulsion of the egg and follicular fluid occurs. This expulsion is called ovulation. Uterus is the organ where implantation of a fertilised egg occurs. Fertilisation itself occurs in the fallopian tube which connects ovary to the uterus. Cyclic shedding of the internal lining of the uterus called endometrium occurs every 28-30 days in a process called menstruation. This cycle is regulated by a complex interaction of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries (Look, Heggenhougen & Quah 2011). Menstrual cycle has two parts: follicular or proliferative phase; and luteal or secretory phase. Follicular recruitment is caused by FSH. Estrogen causes LH surge for ovulation. These steps take place during follicular phase which technically begins on the first day of menses and lasts for around 14 days (Carr & Wilson 1987). Figure 1. Female reproductive system ( 2012) Figure 2. Oogenesis and menstrual cycle (Carr & Wilson 1987) Corpus luteum remains after ovulation and is responsible for sec retory phase of the endometrium. If fertilisation does not take place, it degenerates after 10-14 days and this leads to shedding of the endometrial lining and bleeding (Knobil & Neill 2006). Thus, the couple were explained about oogenesis and menstrual cycle with the aid of above illustrations. Only when these hormonal and tissue changes occur in tandem, fertilisation can take place. Any hormonal or endocrine disorder such as that of hypothalamus, pit
Friday, August 23, 2019
Education in Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Education in Medicine - Essay Example Thus, evidently, education has become a mandatory requisite and is no more an option! One may ask, what are the benefits of obtaining education. The advantages accrued are many. Firstly, education bestows a good career and secure financial position. However laid-back one might be, if one possesses an educational background, he or she c an fall back on it at any point in life. It acts like a secure safety option, in turbulent times. It also guarantees us our bread and butter for life! Therefore, it is extremely important to possess a good educational background. Secondly, it helps a person understand the ways of the world. Education opens numerous doors and avenues for a person. For instance, a person, on receiving some amount of information about a particular disease through education can go no and read and learn about the disease from varied sources. Education opens up new horizons and displays a variety of options. As a child, one is taught numerous subjects. Thus, it helps one become well-versed and at least well-acquainted with all areas of life.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Training and Development in Small Businesses Essay
Training and Development in Small Businesses - Essay Example The potential challenges that the management of the company may face will be discussed. It will also include different effects of detecting the gaps in the organization. This paper will suggest a competitive training strategy. The whole paper will be done on a step by step basis. It will be very helpful for Syntel Inc. It is very important for Syntel Inc to implement proper training and development strategies to improve their business performances. Syntel is an IT consulting company. Training and development will help them to learn new modern sides of different programming languages. In modern day business the organization comes across different critical projects related with modern programming languages (Barcus, 2007). The organization needs to train its employees properly to manage those projects. If proper training is not being provided by the company then employees will not be able to complete those complex projects properly. Training and development is needed to maintain the supply of talents continuously into the organization. Often it is being noticed that experienced employees are leaving the company. It is a loss for the organization. But that loss can be managed if well trained back up employees are ready with the company. It will not interrupt the performances of Syntel Inc. Different t raining and development programs will increase the efficiency of workers of the company. Once the efficiency of workers is increased then automatically productivity of the company will also increase. Increased productivity will improve the performance of the organization. Being a small business organization resources of Syntel are limited. It is very important for the management of the company to utilize their resources intelligently. Only suitable training and development programs for employees can increase the capacity of the whole workforce. Once the
Principle of Earth Science Essay Example for Free
Principle of Earth Science Essay The three stages according from the oldest to the youngest formation are granite, basalt and lastly andesite formation. This will discuss about the formation, composition, type of intrusion and cooling history of each stages. The granite formation is the oldest stage since granite is formed usually beneath the crust about 1. 5 km up to 50 km depth. Primarily, granite is composed of silicon and alumina about 72. 04% and 14. 42%, respectively. The formation of granite occurs through extreme metasomatism. Through metasomatism, elements are brought out by fluids like potassium and calcium to convert the metamorphic rock to granite. According to Himanshu K. Sachan (1999), granite in the northern Himalaya starts its cooling history at 705 Â °C and continued up to 650 Â °C in the range of 1. 2–2. 8 kbar. The next stage is the basalt formation. Basalt is composed of magnesium oxide, calcium oxide and low amount of silicon, sodium oxide and potassium oxide. The formation of basalt occurs when there is a volcanic eruption either under or above the. Mostly the formation of basalt occurs underneath the sea. Through the introduction of water the magma hardens to form the basalt. Basalt forms between 50km up to 100 km depth within the mantle and 150 km up to 200 km for some high-alumina basalt. The next stage will be andesite. The youngest of the formation is the perpendicular andesite. After basalt, the most common volcanic rock would be he andesite. The main composition of andesite is silica about 57%. Andesite is formed either by frictional crystallization or magma mixing with felsic rhyolitic. Melting and assimilation of rock fragments by rising magma to the surface form andesite.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Arguments For and Against Global Warming
Arguments For and Against Global Warming Have you noticed that the summers have been getting hotter and the winters have become increasingly colder? Or have you perceived the climate changes but failed to comprehend why these changes were happening? Many people either did not think about that too closely or even know about the changes until they viewed Al Gores documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. This documentary changed societys mentality on the ongoing dispute about the legitimacy of global warming and many have come to believe that this crisis is the truth about what is currently occurring today. From this documentary to the many statistical research studies, there have been many ongoing debates on whether this controversial idea is correct at all. I had no idea what global warming was prior to viewing this documentary in my environmental science class. Now I believe global warming more than ever. Based on the data from the ongoing research, global warming is indeed, a valid growing disaster Global warming is essentially the average increasing temperature in the atmosphere as a result of greenhouse gases. These gases absorb and store heat in the earths atmosphere. The gases mostly consist of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water. These gases cause the greenhouse effect in which vapors insulate the surface of the earth to keep the Earth warm. Due to human activity, there is a large amount of carbon dioxide gathering in the atmosphere absorbing a lot of the heat coming from the sun. The atmosphere is supposed to emit most of the heat, but the atmosphere absorbs all the warmth which causes an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases. I am sure that many people, including myself not too long ago, do not realize what greenhouse gases are and how we are contributing to global warming. Before doing some research on my own, I did not know that human activities like driving cars led to a buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Statistics from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has shown that human made gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide have been the leading causes in temperature increases since the middle of the twentieth century. The IPCC has also shown statistics that global average surface temperature and the global average sea level have been steadily increasing while the northern hemisphere snow cover has been decreasing. On the contrary, there are people who decline to believe that global warming is true no matter how many studies occur or the data from statistics. Based on my knowledge, scientific experiments that can be replicated with similar results are correct most of the time. If similar results are reached every time, then there should be no doubt regarding the conclusion. The average temperature has intensified by 1 degree Fahrenheit since the industrial evolution. This may not sound so bad because, after all, it is only one degree Fahrenheit right? Wrong, observations have shown that for every little temperature increase, a large amount of snow will not fall. This correlation shows how serious small changes in climate can be and the problem is only getting worse. There have been two occasions in the previous decade in which we have had the hottest average temperature recorded. In addition, Mt. Kilimanjaro has been losing snow rapidly along with many National Parks that feature glaciers as their main landform. There are other places that are facing the same results like the icecaps in Greenland which are melting at an astonishing pace. Melting ice falls into the ocean which raises the sea level. Research shows that the sea level will rise to approximate 23 inches within the next decade. The problems right now may seem minor, but they will escalate to disastrous levels if human activity does not change. I see the problem of people thinking they are just one person and do not contribute that much at all towards greater problems. For example, lets say there are a million people who drive cars that know carbon dioxide from the cars cause global warming. Now imagine if every person had the thought that they are only one person and not really influencing global warming; now the situation does not consist of one person, but a million persons. This is one of the main reasons why scientists have predicted that global warming will only get worse. There are various reasons as to why people in todays society have come to accept or reject the idea of global warming. Some of the critics say that the entire crisis is a hoax like Y2K and global freezing. Others may think that global warming was influenced by environmentalists who want to mentally push people into traps in which donations would be sent. Also, the other argument is that the whole global warming idea is a scheme by liberals who want to give power to big government and further regulation. On the opposing side, people say statistics have proven that global warming does exist. To add on to that, there is mentioning of the melting of polar ice caps which will lead to the extinction of polar bear. However, this side uses more statistics to support their argument compared to the critics going against the existence of global warming. I personally think that people are against the idea of global warming for attention and because of their dislike for the Republican Party. This comes with another counterargument that says that global warming data is manipulated and inflated to get the publics attention that there really is a problem with the earth. False, there have been cases where scientists have fixed up statistics to cause a small problem to escalate into a larger problem. One example I found while researching articles online is the case where hacked emails from a scientist in the UK seemingly show that the global warming data was indeed changed. In spite of this case, the data was proven to not be exaggerated when viewed as a whole. The accusation that the data was false came from viewing certain pieces of information and not viewing everything available. In my opinion, this could have been a scheme pulled by nonbelievers in order to strengthen their argument against global warming. Just because there have a few cases of data exaggeration, this does not falsify all other data that has been collected over the years by various scientists. All the data collected over the years have been confirmed as valid and people who still decline to believe in global warming should give credit where credit is due; facts are facts and stat istics are statistics. Critics cannot brush away what is true just because they want to or hope to believe that their side of the debate is true. There are some people who say that global warming is a natural process and is bound to happen as long as humans are inhibiting the earth. To me, this viewpoint is basically saying that all inhabitants of earth are going to be wiped out in a matter of time. Some examples I see today are people saying that using oil is necessary to survive in this world, but the problem is that we are overusing oil. The human population has to realize that there is not an unlimited supply of ozone and small changes will make a difference in the outcome. I disagree strongly with this viewpoint because this kind of attitude is probably what caused global warming to become worse. I believe that global warming is more of a scientific aspect of earth and human factors such as ethics and morals, these aspects should not play a part in debating that the crisis is false. I mean, human beliefs do not change the average temperature of the earths surface, so why then should the beliefs be incorporated into the argument? An example that can relate to this is the saying that all men are created equal. People can believe what they want to believe and they might not want to accept that everyone is equal. However, the fact is that everyone on this planet is a human being, no matter their home country, language, culture, and skin color. Beliefs and science should not be mixed when debating global warming. I say that just because someones belief goes against a scientifically confirmed fact does not mean that belief should be taken into account. According to CNN, a U.S. survey consisting of approximately 3,000 scientists in January 2009, results show that a majority of the scientists agreed that global warming is real. Earth scientists surveyed acknowledged that the average global temperature has been rising for the past 200 years and that human activity is to blame. So the increase has a direct correlation with the increase in human activity over time. The survey consisted of multiple questions, but only two were of importance: Have mean global temperatures risen compared to pre-1800s levels, and has human activity been a significant factor in changing mean global temperatures? The results were that around 90 percent of the scientists said that the first question was true and around 82 percent agreed with the second. Some people like Peter Doran, associated professor of earth and environmental sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, say that the more you know about the field of climate science, the more youre lik ely to believe in global warming and humankinds contribution to it. Some scientists predict that there are 4 years left before a global average temperature rise of 2C or more. This would be catastrophic since every little increase affects the earth greatly. The sea level will increase a lot and more glaciers will melt. Based on the articles I have read in the past, polar bears will be wiped out soon as they are currently struggling for their survival today. As long as there are nonbelievers and people who refuse to understand that they make a difference, time will run out before our eyes to fix a problem that we humans have started. Even though global warming has been going on for some time now, there are still ways to improve the situation of climate change if we act fast. The first step could be putting gas powered vehicles behind us and move onto electric powered vehicles. This will be expensive and time consuming, but if the climate were to improve, then people can really make a difference. Perhaps we can decrease the amount of oil, coal, and natural gases being burned and look for an alternate source of energy that is more eco-friendly. Deforestation plays a big role since trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen in return. Planting trees here and there will contribute to the efforts in relieving global warming. There are many differences in how to solve climate change problems and all of them require dedication and effort in order for us to see results. Global warming is an ongoing controversial subject and some people want to believe that the crisis is false, but the truth is that global warming has enough facts and statistics to support the validity. From documentaries to data to surveys, they all agree with global warming really occurring. Whether or not the critics agree, the truth has been spoken and personal values should not affect something that has been scientifically proven. Yes, exaggeration has been used in some cases, but there is more than enough evidence to confirm the truth. On the contrary, personal values such as ethics and morals have not put up any sort of concrete evidence or statistical data. There is still plenty of time for people to improve the climate and every little step will pay off in the end. Therefore, people have to learn to accept that the truth is the truth and whether or not they agree will not affect the outcome global warming is existent.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Risks when Installing Hardware Components
Risks when Installing Hardware Components Explain the potential risks when installing hardware components Equipment damage If you are trying to get a piece of equipment out of the computer system you need to make sure you take it out gently and safely as if you do it roughly then you could be at risk of damaging the equipment you are trying to get out. Some of the ways in which equipment might be damaged include: turning a screw too hard and stripping the thread, dropping a component, bending a pin in a plug or socket or loosening the cable in a plug to avoid damaging it you need to ensure you take the equipment out slowly and carefully. Electrostatic discharge Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is the sudden transfer of electricity from one object to another. Examples of this are: Lightning, the shock you feel when on a trampoline and then touch the pole or the crackling and sparks when you remove your clothes from a dryer. ESD is usually caused when two objects rub, touch, slide or are separated. ESD can damage a component without you even noticing. A tiny charge or electricity that you cant see or hear is a damaging as a bolt of lightning to components. Nowadays components are much smaller and efficient as so they are more delicate and sensitive to ESD than before. You can prevent this by following 3 rules: Assume that all components and assemblies are sensitive to ESD, Handle ESD-sensitive items only when you are properly grounded at a static-safe work area and store and transport ESD-sensitive items in static shielding containers. Damage to components Not responsible treating hardware components can cause physical damage. When ICT professional do not follow the safety rules and endanger hardware components to be broken or damaged, can cause a serious issue and have a big problem with finishing upgrading hardware components. To prevent the physical damage to devices and cabling you should take every care while upgrading computer system and follow all the safety rules. The most important rule is to use proper tools which overcome the risk. Risk to data Data loss corruption This is very common issue while upgrading hardware components (especially Hard Drive). You can lose your data or corrupt it. Data loss can be caused by damaging or formatting hard disc so then the data which was on this hard drive cannot be used any more. It is possible to recover the data but its very expensive and time-consuming so the best way is to prevent data loss. Data corruption is when some of the files are changed or damaged. You can still see these files in the system but you are unable to read them. There is a way to protect your data by backing up your computer system. Back up your computer means that you have saved the copy of your data. The best way is to have 3 copies on 2 different types of storage devices for one back up. This is called 3 2 1 rule. You can use a back-blaze software which backups your computer in the real time and moves it into the cloud. Service loss Service loss is when somebody who provides you service have got some issue for example when you lost your internet connection which was not caused by your mistake or computer system problems. Its impossible to prevent service loss but in companies are costumer services which helps you solve the problem remote or sent the service to your home to fix the problem. Explain how the risks can be avoided Checking health and safety regulations When installing hardware, you need to make sure you are following the health and safety regulations. This means that you need to report any accidents, take reasonable care of your own health and safety when moving heavy components, not cause any electrical hazards, and make sure that workstations meet safety requirements. You always need to make sure you follow these regulations as they can prevent and harm or injury caused to yourself or others around you. ICT professional needs to protect himself and the working are while working witch computer systems. There are some safety rules that must be abided to avoid any accidents: keep your work area clan and tidy always unplug the computer before upgrading use appropriate tools for your work do not keep any drink near to the working always wear an ESD band and anti-static mat while upgrading hardware components Follow your check list to avoid oversight something Secure back up data As a precaution, you should always ask the user about any data on the system and carefully back up the data if there is any possibility that the upgrade might result in this important data being corrupted or lost. Back up your computer means that you have saved the copy of your data. The best way is to have 3 copies on 2 different types of storage devices for one back up. This is called 3 2 1 rule. Use of antistatic equipment You should always use any anti-static equipment that is provided such as: anti-static packaging wrist straps anti-static mats If none of this equipment is available, you should ask why not and whether it can be provided. Anti-static packaging Anti-static packaging protects components when they are delivered. It is a special type of plastic bag which has shielding built into the plastic to keep static electricity away from the contents of the bag. Anti-static wrist strap An anti-static wrist strap is used to discharge static electricity from the wearers body. It is a band that fits around your wrist with a cable that must be connected to earth this is usually a special main plug with a connector for the cable. The cable has a resistor at one end to give you extra protection when using it. If the cable is not connected to earth, the wrist band is not effective. Anti-static mats Anti-static mats are used to protect components that you are working with. They are often found on a work bench you use them to rest components on when you are dismantling a system. The mat needs to be connected to earth or it is not going to do anything useful.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Dark They Were And Golden-Eyed Essay -- essays research papers fc
Dark They Were And Golden-Eyed      Science fiction is a very interesting subject because you never really know for sure if it’s fiction or not. The scientific information contained in these stories makes you think; could this be real? The possibility is always there, in the back of your mind, just lingering around that these concepts could be reality. One day when you hear on the news about something you read in a science fiction novel, or saw in a science fiction movie, you’ll really start thinking about it. Ray Bradbury’s Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed is a great science fiction story to get you thinking about science fiction. I’m going to try and use Bradbury’s story as an example of science fiction as genre. In Dark they Were and Golden-Eyed Bradbury shows you how life might be like if people lived on Mars. He gives the people a reason for going to Mars and then a reason why they must stay there. The people on Mars slowly start to change, their skin turns dark and their eyes begin to be covered with a gold film. None of the human really cared except for one, Harry Bittering. Harry was reluctant to stay since the second he stepped on to Mars. When him and his family got off the rocket and looked around Harry got a cold look on his face, â€Å"What’s wrong?†asked his wife. â€Å"Let’s get back on the rocket.†Said Harry. â€Å"Go back to Earth?†said his wife. â€Å"Yes! Listen!†said Harry (131). Bradbury repeats a lot of words like wind and gold. He said â€Å" The win...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Peter Tosh A man of the past, living in the present, walking in the future :: essays papers
Peter Tosh A man of the past, living in the present, walking in the future Peter Tosh. With the name comes a certain stigma and uneasiness in Reggae circles. Peter Tosh was a crusader and warrior in a musical forum more known for it’s mellow and passive resistance. As former college and producer Lee Jaffe simply put it "A lot of people were afraid of Peter, they did not know how to deal with him."(Stepping Razor, Red X: the Peter Tosh story, Bush Doctor Films). He traveled the globe for roughly thirty years preaching his message of equality and justice for every man. He was preaching against powerful forces and societal brainwashing and misinformation. The so called downpressorman or Babylon. He fought against these forces, with bravado, undaunting passion, and an arrogant open style that many people did not know how to deal with. He had a strong conviction of what he viewed as right and wrong. When he saw something as unjustified watch out. He attacked his viewed oppressors with the veracity of an attack dog. As reggae artist of international supers tar status, this was a dangerous thing, because he reached the masses. The way that Tosh fights these oppressors, is with Word, Sound, and Power not physical violence, as one Rasta elder asserts this the Traditional Rastafarian way, "Word, Sound, and Power, is a symbol of man. Seen? That is what we use amongst Babylon. We don’t use a stick, nor a stone, nor a gun" (Stepping Razor, Red X: the Peter Tosh story, Bush Doctor Films). He sings songs witch he believes to be divine. The message of Jah channeled through him. He gains inspiration from the sacrament, the sweet gift of Jah, Herb. Tosh does not try and make the messages sweet and trite, about love affairs and such. He makes sure each and every song is meaningful and to the point. Then like a musical architect as he describes it, he decorates the message with the musical intricacies of his trade. The blunt message is delivered in angelic harmony, surrounded by a heavy hitting bass, the ever-present drums, and the exultant trademark lead guitar that influenced a generation of reggae guitarists to come. The intent was to draw a listener in with the music, so that he or she then had to pay attention to the words. Tosh’s music was a call to arms against Babylon and a vehicle to unit the downtrodden of the world.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Technical Description Sample
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LOT-1 PCS-01-005351 A parcel of land (Lot-1, Pcs-01-005351, being a portion of Lots-165 and 166, PLS-1110, Alilem Public Land Subd. L. R. C. Rec. No. ___________) situated at Brgy. Poblacion, Mun. of Alilem, Prov. of Ilocos Sur, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the S. along line 1-2 by Guis-it St. (10. 00 m. wide); on the W. along line 2-3 by Lot-167, PLS-1110; on the N. along line 3-4 by Lot-164, PLS-1110 and on the E. along line 4-1 by Lot- 2 of the consolidation and subd. plan. Beginning at a point marked â€Å"1†of Lot-1 on plan, being S. 65?. 02’ E. , 348. 29 m. from BLLM No. 1, PLS-1110, Alilem Public Land Subd. thence N. 7? 42’ W. , 16. 41 m. to point 2; thence N. 10? 27’ E. , 30. 59 m. to point 3; thence S. 69? 49’ E. , 16. 76 m. to point 4; thence S. 10? 42’ W. , 28. 29 m. to point 1; point of beginning, containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE (485) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the pl an and were marked on the ground with BL cyl. conc. mons. 15Ãâ€"40 cms. except points 1 and 4 which are PS cyl. conc. mon. 15Ãâ€"50 cms. Bearings Grid, date of orig. survey was on April-May, 1983; date of consol. and subd. survey was on October 10, 2010 executed by Engr. Edmund A. Soliven and was approved on August 11, 2011. CERTIFIED CORRECT:
Friday, August 16, 2019
National Cranberry Cooperative Case
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the current scenario, the major bottlenecks in the system are the drying units for wet berries and the berry separation lines. While the drying units’ capacity can be increased by purchasing additional units, the throughput of the system will still be limited by the limitation of the separation lines. If the average rate of inflow of berries is 1500bbl/hr, then with the effective separation capacity of 1200bbl/hr, the plant will incur a backlog of 300bbl/hr. If the shift start times stay as it is, and the processing divisions start four hours after the receiving division, the truckers toward the end of the day will have to wait, since the cumulative backlog caused by processing will exhaust the bin storage capacity. The wait times for the truckers can be reduced by converting some of the dry bins to wet bins. However, this measure will not completely eliminate the trucker wait times. The best solution is to acquire one additional drying unit and advancing the processing shift from 11AM to 8AM. The backlog per hour of 300bbl/hr (due to the separation unit), will be manageable by the available storage capacity in the bins, even without converting the bins. The truckers will not have to wait to offload the berries. The accumulated backlog of berries can be processed in approximately 3. 75 hours after the end of scheduled 12 working hours. With the new expected ratio of wet to dry berries (7:3), not adding an additional drying unit will require the plant to work 9 extra hours to eliminate the backlog. The cost benefit of adding the additional drying unit and advancing the shift start time are higher than the cost benefit of other options considered. THE COMPANY The Receiving Plant I (RPI) of National Cranberry Cooperative (NCC) processes both wet and dry cranberries in a highly mechanized process involving 400 workers during peak season. The processed berries are sold in bulk and bags. PROBLEM STATEMENT NCC is currently wrestling with both runaway overtime costs as well as long waiting time for delivery trucks. PROCESS FLOW The process flow diagram is attached as Exhibit A ANALYSIS From Figure E in the case Delivery begins at 7 AM Processing begins at 11 AM Average Truck per day20/ hour Average load per truck75 bbl Average load per hour1500 bbl Expected split between dry and wet typesDry -30% Wet- 70% Cranberries Delivered Wet768600 Dry1065420 Color 134460 Color 2401080 Color 31398480 Total Pounds1834020 Total No. of trucks243 Time Interval729 Average Truck per day243/12 = 20 per hour Plant capacity and demand ReceivingDryWetTotal Average Receiving per hour (bbls)45010501500 Accumulated berries during 4 hour period (bbls)180042006000 Maximum bin storage capacity (bbls)400032007200 Excess/ Shortage (bbls)2200-10001200 Destone/ Dechaff/Dry Maximum Destoning capacity per hour(bbls)450004500 Excess/ Short over average receiving rate per hour(bbls) for destoning 405004050 Maximum Deschaffing capacity per hour(bbls)150030004500 Excess/ Short over average receiving rate per hour(bbls) for deschaffing 105019503000 Maximum Drying Capacity per hour(bbls)0600600 Excess/Shortage over average receiving rate per hour(bbls) for drying (=600-1050)0-450-450 Quality GradingCombined for Dry & Wet Average Separator line capacity per hour(bbls) (3Ãâ€"400)1200 Average receiving by separator line (600 wet + 450 dry)1050 Average receivings when there are no bottlenecks in the system1500 Excess/ Short over average receiving rate per hour(bbls)-300 1. While the receiving starts at 7. 00 am, the processing starts at 11. 00 am (from Figure E in the case). Accumulated wet berries till the plant starts (1100) is 4200 bbl, about 1000 more than the capacity of wet storage bin. This is the first bottleneck in the system which would cause morning queues of the delivery trucks. This shortage could be eliminated by converting some of the dry bins to wet bins. However, as will be seen, the downstream bottlenecks will still cause the converted bin capacity to be wanting. 2. There are two limitations on throughput for Receiving Plant 1. For wet cranberries, throughput is limited by the Dryer capacity to 600 bbl/hr. In terms of total throughput of RP1, the limitation is on separating capacity at 1200 bbl/hr. At the drying unit, the total processing rate of wet berries falls short of the arrival rate (1050 bbl/hr) by 450 bbl/hr. The solution is to either increase the overtime hours, purchase additional dryers or a combination of both. Option I: No dryers are purchased and overtimes are added: Total received per day (12 hrs)Accumulation till 7. 00 pm if processing start at 11. 00 amProcessing in a day (12 hrs)Additional hours reqd #Additional overtime cost* per peak Peak Season (09/20 – 10/9) wet12x1050=126004200+8*450=7800600Ãâ€"12= 72009 hours for processing USD 9*36*6*20= 38880 dry12x450=54001800 + 8*0=1800600Ãâ€"12= 72000 hours # (shortfall in wet berry processing capacity/processing speed) (12600-7200)/600= 9 hours * staff need to be hired in shipping(15 workers for one additional hour), dechaffing (one worker), milling(15) and shipping units (20) ** overtime charges @ USD 6. 00 per worker per hour Thus dry berries are processed in full while there is considerable backlog in wet berries which will necessitate 9 hours of overtime but still would not able to avoid truckers’ queues. If the some of the dry bins are converted to wet bins to maximize the wet capacity to about 5400 bbl, it will reduce the wait times for the truckers, but not completely eliminate it. As a result the receiving department will have to work over their scheduled 12 hour shift. Option II: One dryer is purchased and overtimes are added: Considering that the separator capacity is 1200 bbl/hour, we can at present add only one dryer line which will enhance the drying capacity to 800 bbl / hr. Let us consider a scenario where wet is processed at 800bbl/hr and dry at 400 per hour Total received per day (12 hrs)Accumulation till 7. 0 pm if processing starts at 11. 00 amAccumulation till 7. 00 pm if processing starts at 8. 00 amProcessing in a day (12 hrs)Additional hours reqd #Additional overtime cost* per peak season (09/20 – 10/9) wet12x1050=126004200+8*350=70001050+8*250=3050800Ãâ€"12= 96003. 75$ 810*20 days= $ 16200 dry12x450=54001800+8*50=2200450+8*50= 650400Ãâ€"12= 48000. 00 # (sh ortfall in processing capacity/processing speed) (12600-7200)/600= 9 hours * staff need to be hired in shipping(15 workers for one additional hour), deschaffing (one worker), milling(15) and shipping units (20) ** overtime charges @ USD 6. 0 per worker per hour Thus dry berries are processed in full while there is considerable backlog in wet berries which will necessitate 3. 75 hours of overtime. If we continue to start the processing shift at 11 am we wouldn’t be able to avoid truckers’ queues because of shortage in bin capacity. However, we start the shift at 8. 00 am, this can be avoided to a large extent Option III: No dryers are purchased and overtimes are added: Let us consider another scenario in which wet is processed at 1000bbl/hr (i. e. two additional dryers) and dry at 200 per hour Total received per day (12 hrs)Accumulation till 7. 0 pm if processing starts at 11. 00 amAccumulation till 7. 00 pm if processing starts at 8. 00 amProcessing in a day (12 hrs)Ad ditional hours reqd #Additional overtime cost* per peak season (09/20 – 10/9) wet12x1050=126004200+8*50=46001050+8*50=14501000Ãâ€"12= 120003. 0$ 648*20= $12960 dry12x450=54001800+8*250=3800450+8*250= 2450200Ãâ€"12= 24000. 0 # (shortfall in processing capacity/processing speed) (12600-7200)/600= 9 hours * staff need to be hired in shipping(15 workers for one additional hour), deschaffing (one worker), milling(15) and shipping units (20) ** overtime charges @ USD 6. 0 per worker per hour EVALUATION OF LIGHT METER SYSTEM In 1980, 75 cent premium was paid per bbl on about 450,000 bbls of berries of which about 225,000 turned out to be not of high quality. This cost the company $168,750. We presume that this is also the cost incurred by the company every year. Since the cost of installation is $20,000 plus hiring of a full time skilled operator. Cost of operator = $6. 50/hourx2000 hours per year=$13,000 per year Savings to the company excluding onetime cost of $20,000 = $155750 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The company needs to purchase one additional dryer @ cost of 40,000 else it would have to spend $38880/ year in additional overtime. Considering the capital cost and the overtime spent ($16200), the additional expenditure can thus be recouped in less than two years. The last option of two dryers would lead to only marginal savings in additional overtime ($3240/year) over the option of buying one dryer. 2. The processing of berries of berries should start at 8. 00 am instead of current 11. 00 am to prevent shortage of bin capacity. . The limitation in separation capacity is serious and measures need to be taken to overcome it. For this, either the capacity of the system needs to be added or the quality of berries needs to be improved so that the separation system can work at its peak capacity of 450bbl/hour/line. However, without further indications on the cost of additional separation units it is not possible to conduct cost-benefit analysis. 4. In view of the substantial cost saving s, the company should buy the light meter system.
Although we will be focusing on the forensic sciences that typically take place in a crime laboratory, there are other types of forensic sciences that are specialized and focused on a particular area. In this section, we will briefly take a look at some of these specialty areas. Forensic Pathology/Biology Pathology is a science that deals with disease. Pathologists make use of autopsies to study the tissues and other parts of the human body for diseases. An autopsy is a dissection and examination of the body, often to determine why the person died. Pathologists may study samples like blood, tissue, and urine to identify and learn more about diseases in the body. Forensic pathology is the extension of this specialty to the criminal justice system. Forensic pathology studies sudden, unexplained, and violent deaths by using autopsies to determine the cause of death in an individual. The scientists in this field may work as medical examiners or coroners. One of the tasks that a forensic pathologist might have is to determine the time of death for a body. The medical examiner or coroner may participate in the criminal investigation by evaluating the stage of decomposition in the body. Following a person's death, the muscles of the body relax and then become rigid. Rigor Mortis, as this rigidity is known, occurs within 24 hours after death and goes away after about 36 hours. Liver Mortis also happens soon after death. This condition in the body happens as the blood stops pumping through the body and settles in the parts of the body lowest to the ground. This condition occurs within the first 12 hours after death. Another condition that can help determine the time of death is algor mortis, which is the gradual cooling of the body after death. Forensic pathologists have to consider factors like where the body is, the air temperature, and the size of the body to determine the time of death from its temperature. Forensic Anthropology Forensic anthropology specializes in the identification and examination of skeletal remains. Forensic anthropologists may also be called on to help identify the victims of disasters like fires, explosions, and plane crashes, where bodies may be burned or mutilated in some way. Forensic anthropologists help determine whether bones and skeletal remains are from a long ago burial that has been unearthed or whether they are from a more recent death, that may require investigation. Many have at least some training in archaeological methods. They also examine the bones to see if they can determine what the cause of death was. They use the bones to help determine the sex, race, and age at the time of death for the individual and in some cases, where the individual was from. Some forensic anthropologists may help with facial reconstructions, which can help identify who the person is that the bones belonged to. Forensic Psychiatry Forensic psychiatry focuses on the relationship between human behavior and criminal justice. During the course of a court case, issues of competence (whether someone is competent to stand trial or be executed) and mental illness can play a role. Forensic psychiatrists and psychologists offer insight to investigators, attorneys, judges, and juries about a suspect's mental state and their understanding of the crime committed. These scientists look at the past, present, and future of individuals. For example, they may examine whether the suspect was mentally sane at the time the crime was committed. They may also examine whether an individual is competent during a trial, such as being able to cooperate with their defense. Finally, some forensic psychiatrists examine the likelihood that an offender will repeat their crime for the purposes of probation hearings. In addition, some forensic psychiatrists may create behavioral profiles in order to help law enforcement officials identify and apprehend suspects. Forensic Entomology Forensic entomology uses the study of insects to help criminal investigations. This area is often involved with helping to determine the time of death when the situation where the death occurred is unknown. When decomposition begins, blowflies infest a body, laying eggs that eventually hatch into fly larvae (maggots). The larvae help to consume the body's organs and tissues if left alone. By studying the stage of larvae development and what type of flies and insects are present, scientists can give insight into when the death occurred. Forensic Odontology Forensic odontology provides insight into the identification of individuals through their teeth. In some cases, investigators may only have the skeletal remains, including teeth, of a body. Forensic odontologists look at teeth, their alignment, and other information to help determine who the person was. They can sometimes match the dental remains to dental records of a suspected victim. Forensic odontologists may also provide insight in cases that involve bite marks, analyzing the bite to see whether it matches that of a suspect's. As you can see, there are many different areas that forensic scientists specialize in. Each of these specialties helps the criminal justice system identify crime and the suspects that have committed the crime. This module has introduced you briefly to the world of forensic science. Forensic scientists use science within the criminal justice system. They collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes, give expert testimony, and train others about collecting evidence.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Perception On Political Candidates Health And Social Care Essay
1.0 Introduction This papers nowadayss proposed sentiment canvass research. The sentiment canvass aims at reading the market and calculate public sentiment on their perceptual experience on political campaigners. Specifying of sentiment canvass It is an effort to happen out what components of Embu county in general, what they think about a Embu county leading and the capableness of the prospective campaigner. This Public sentiment is influenced by the new development in the Kenya new fundamental law and peculiarly power degeneration to the county degree. Purpose of sentiment canvass The Purpose of the proposed sentiment canvass research will be to assist the prospective campaigner know most of the components. 1.4 Goal of sentiment canvass The end of the proposed sentiment canvass is to plan and to develop a scheme that will happen the winning statements for the run, its strengths and failings, every bit good as the strengths and possible exposures of your opposition, by to hold a dependable step of public sentiment through a custom-designed questionnaires for for the campaigners County. 1.5 Objective of the sentiment canvass 1. To have nonsubjective sentiment, non subjective sentiments, and learns what events will impact public sentiment. 2. To guarantee that the research findings read the market and calculate public sentiment on their perceptual experience on the political campaigner. 3. To inform the prospective political campaigner about the canvass consequences, findings, the deduction on their campaigning and subsequent authorization at the county. 1.6 This proposal contain A Planning Model: Goals set, mark audiences, strategic consequences to be identified. A campaign/ political Communications Scheme: Substantial and operational precedences and attacks. A Program Plan: Programs, plan direction, and plan resources set to implement the scheme. Components Plans: Execution programs for campaign/ political Communications Strategy. 1.7 Background to county In the proposed bill of exchange fundamental law, Kenya is to be divided into 47 counties based on the territories created in 1992. With respect to degeneration, the state will hold a authorities construction with two domains: national and county authoritiess. The remotion of parts has efficaciously left county authoritiess as the point of balance between the national and the county authoritiess. Removal of parts has besides shifted sub-national peace and integrity attempts from parts to the local degree. The bill of exchange does non order a entire inspection and repair of the current local authorities construction ; it leaves the issue unfastened until such a clip that new local authorities statute law will be enacted. A careful reading of the bill of exchange shows that proposed county authoritiess will execute both cardinal and local authorities maps. The proposed devolved authorities has the aim of heightening national integrity through acknowledgment of diverseness. This means county authoritiess will hold to exert their maps in a mode that promotes local harmoniousness. This will chiefly be achieved through just and democratically agreed precedences for local development. Further, local peace can be achieved through a politically inclusive attack to development, which accommodates minority involvements. In this manner, communities will be united by a normally agreed development docket. Matters such as assignments to county authorities places should reflect the diverseness of the communities served by the several county authoritiess. The county authorities will be the closest direct contact with local communities. 1.7.1 Vision One of the cardinal reforms of the Constitution is the constitution of degeneration through county authoritiess. Chiefly, it is a response to the tremendous centralization of province power at the Centre and in the presidential term, accentuated by the abrasion of local authorities. For many people, the chief contact with authorities has been with Provincial and District Commissioners and Chiefs, finally responsible to the President. On a more political degree, the centralization of power, by and large exercised by a little clique of people around the President, marginalised communities and parts that were perceived to be opposed to the government. Economically, endeavors and employment tended to concentrate in Nairobi, and led to migration from rural to urban countries. For an apprehension of the grounds for degeneration, one can non make better than read Article 174.They include democratization, answerability, increased cheques and balances, national integrity, recognizing diverseness and protecting minorities, economic development and entree to services, and just sharing of national and local resources. This is an ambitious docket, carried over from the CKRC and Bomas bill of exchanges, but without the same institutional agreements and devolved powers. Degeneration is partially a affair of jurisprudence and partially of conventions and pattern. It will come into consequence merely after the following General Elections, when the county assemblies and governors will be elected. There is adequate flexibleness as to the development and operation of the system. Powers and money will be transferred merely when the capacity to manage them has been established in the county. County authoritiess could hold that the national authorities should make certain things for them, or the national authorities could hold that the counties, or those of them with the capacity, should take over certain national authorities maps. Torahs can be made to give new powers to the counties. The system is to be phased in so that maps are transferred bit by bit to counties that can manage them, and non all counties need acquire all the powers at the same clip. Although the national authorities can do Torahs about everything, including subjects on which counties may do Torahs, national authorities jurisprudence will take precedency merely if there is good ground for holding national instead than county Torahs. Flexibility is doubtless a good thing, but it requires complex systems of dialogue and determination devising. The fundamental law recognizes this and provides for co-operation between the national and county authoritiess, with a critical function for the Senate as a kind of negociating forum at the same clip as it protects the involvements of counties. There are besides mechanisms for guaranting that counties observe the rights of all the occupants and carry out disposal consistent with the values of degeneration. On the other manus, it is of import that the national authorities realises that degeneration is an indispensable constituent of the new system of the province – and counties have constitutionally guaranteed position and powers – and defy the enticement to order to them. Despite this positive model, there are serious anxiousnesss about degeneration. Paradoxically, some are disquieted about excessively much powers being handed over to counties, others ( like us ) that excessively small power is guaranteed. But we have noted above the flexibleness in this respect. Some fear favoritism against minorities within the counties, and the inclination of the dominant cultural group to allow all county offices and resources. Groups who have migrated into a county in recent times are fearful even of eviction. We must take these anxiousnesss earnestly. The fundamental law does cover with them. All citizens have equal rights where of all time they live, and the Bill of Rights has a strong system of enforcement. Some liberty can be provided for minorities located in countries where they are numerically prevailing through local authorities. Minorities are to be proportionately represented in county assemblies and the executive. Ultimately, there is authorization for the national authorities to step in in a county which violates the rights of its occupants ( under the class of â€Å" exceeding fortunes †) , after question by an independent committee. While fright of favoritism is apprehensible, it is of import to remind ourselves that an of import intent of degeneration is to increase national integrity, non endanger it. Leaderships at the county degree, every bit much as at the national degree, have constitutional duties to advance inter-ethnic harmoniousness, societal justness and the protection of human rights. Groups which have suffered in the past due to revengeful policies of the cardinal authorities will now happen it easier, through the county system, to experience secure, take part in public personal businesss, negotiate with the national authorities and incorporate politically. If this happens, national integrity will be strengthened. And this will be assisted by the demand of just distribution of resources, and particular aid to the less developed counties. There are besides anxiousnesss about the fiscal deductions of degeneration. The costs attributed to degeneration are non new costs: we already have budgets for territories, including for county councils, some points of the bing cardinal authorities budget will be transferred to counties as the maps are transferred, and we already have some financess which are on a regular basis earmarked for territories. Hopefully, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission will set up realistic wages for public officers, and the jurisprudence might see supplying merely allowances, non wages, for members of county assemblies, as their maps will non name for full clip committedness – an attack favoured by the CKRC. But, more significantly, there is no â€Å" nothing amount †arithmetic in these affairs. Degeneration has the possible to open up new chances for economic development, and the rise of new growing Centres as county authoritiess experience the force per unit area to present to the new electorates. We need to set degeneration in the context of the new fundamental law. The fundamental law is about democratisation, with the people at the Centre of the political system. Degeneration can be really empowering, as the illustration of India and several other states has shown. But it will non go on automatically, and we need to remind ourselves how dreadfully incorrect waies county authoritiess can take. Those who are already tasting chances of governorships, senatorships, and other moneymaking offices should retrieve that the new fundamental law is about service to the people, the unity of leading, the criminalisation of incitation to cultural hates, the publicity of just disposal, and finally inclusion of all. The fundamental law besides calls upon the people to see to it that the leaders they choose respect these values. Chapter Two: Situation ANALYSIS 2.0 Analyzing the state of affairs Embu County Profile Embu County is one of the 13 Counties in Eastern Province. The County is bordered by Mbeere County to the East and South-East, Kirinyaga County to the West and Tharaka Nithi County to the North. It is divided into five administrative divisions viz. Central, Kyeni, Manyatta, Nembure and Runyenjes. The County occupies a entire country of 729.4 kmA? . Manyatta division is the largest with an country of about 208 kmA? followed by Runyenjes, Kyeni, Nembure and Central division in that order to cover about 30 per cent of the territory country. Runyenjes Division is the largest with an country of 148.5 kmA? ( 20 % ) followed by Manyatta, Kyeni and Nembure busying 14.7 kmA? , 14.4 kmA? and 12.1 kmA? . Central Division is the smallest with 70.6 kmA? . In footings of population, Manyatta Division has the highest accounting for 25.6 % . Runyenjes was 2nd with 23 % , Central 18.9 % , Kyeni 17.4 % , Nembure 14.9 % and the least was Mt. Kenya with 0.1 % . Population densenesss are comparatively high, with Central Division holding 869 individuals per kmA? in twelvemonth 2010. This is chiefly due to its urban features since it includes Embu Municipality. Runyenjes Division the lowest denseness of 454. Demographic and population profile Harmonizing to the 1999 Population and Housing Census, Embu territory had a entire population of 288,196 It is expected to turn at a rate of 1.7 per centum lifting to 294,061 in twelvemonth 2005 and 294,558 at the terminal of the program period ( twelvemonth 2010 ) . The projections shown in table 3 below indicates that the immature population of less 15 old ages comprises 38 % of the entire population while the proportion of those age 60 old ages was estimated at 5.6 % . Both groups will add up to 43.6 % connoting a dependence ratio of 100:73. The big figure of dependents will take to a low nest eggs and strive the bing wellness instruction installations. The female population is higher than males, with a sex ratio of 96 males to 100 females as at 1999. All the age cohorts except 0-4, 5-9 and 45-49 have higher females than male population. This could be due to more males than females migrate to urban Centres in hunt of employment chances. Social welfare indexs Education The population of primary school traveling kids is projected to increase from 56,484 recorded in 1999 to 65,822 in twelvemonth 2008 stand foring an absolute addition of 16.5 % or 9,338. The challenge for the county during the program period is should hence be enlargement of primary instruction installations and constitution of young person engineering schools to provide for primary school bead outs. The secondary school traveling age group ( 14-17 ) stood at 29,316 during the 1999 Population and Housing Census. It is projected to increase from 34,163 in 2008. This tendency calls for both the enlargement of bing secondary schools and constitution of new 1s as the increased degree of instruction is a pre-quisite to human development and hence poorness decrease. Labour force Harmonizing to 1999 Population and Housing Census, labour force estimations stood at 159,697, stand foring 57 % of the entire population as at that clip. It is projected to increase to 186,596 by the terminal of the twelvemonth 2008. This calls for the creative activity of occupation chances to fit growing. Poverty analysis Harmonizing to the Report on Poverty in Kenya 2000, the figure of people in absolute poorness in Embu was 56 % of the entire population. Embu County Poverty Assessment identifies the landless, the destitute, individual female parents and the slum inhabitants as the subdivisions of the population representing the hapless. The causes of poorness include hapless entree to H2O, unequal substructure, the territory is semi-arid and is characterized by relentless drouth, unemployment of the young person which increases dependence, unavailability to recognition installations etc. Diseases such as HIV/AIDS have made people poorer as most kids are orphaned after their parent ‘s decease. Embu County had 31 wellness installations in 1996. Out of these, 5 are infirmaries, 3 are wellness Centres and 23 are dispensaries. In add-on, there are 84 private clinics. The wellness installations are equally distributed in the County although Central division is better covered because of the presence of the Provincial General Hospital. The infirmary serves as a referral establishment for other Counties. Government provides about 90 % of the wellness attention in the County. Missions and Private Medical practicians provide the remainder of the wellness attention. The ratio of infirmary beds to population is 1:522 while doctor/patient ratio is 1:10,482. The territory has 32 registered clinical officers and 470 nurses. The mean distance to the nearest installation is 10 Km. The top 10 diseases in Embu County are malaria, URTI, tegument diseases, enteric worms, accidents, oculus infections and diarrhea. Others are dental upsets, ear infections and rheumatism. Malaria histories for approximately 30 % of the disease instances in the territory. The prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS in the territory is estimated at 26 per centum. The overall impact of this flagellum will be felt in all sectors. There is, hence, demand for continued creative activity of consciousness. There is besides need for proviso of protective steps and a greater intersectoral coaction at all degrees. At the family, small town and community degrees, HIV/AIDs epidemic has strained societal cloth, overwhelmed traditional support and attention systems and traumatized households. This is a consequence of the addition in figure of AIDs Orphans, swelling figure of street kids in towns and the rush of the figure of the aged destitutes who have lost the adult-children who supported them. The HIV/AIDs pandemic has had negative consequence on the industrial labor and productiveness and has led to increased labor costs. The HIV/AIDs pandemic has besides increased the cost of wellness attention to those infected and affected every bit good as the whole wellness attention system due the increased figure of people seeking intervention for AIDs related timeserving diseases. Population and development The population of Embu County in 2002 was estimated to be 290,312 and was turning at 1.7percent per annum. The effects of this growing rate on the societal and economic development in the territory are manifested in unemployment, high dependence ratio and poorness. There were a sum of 67,406 families with an mean family size of 4. Female-headed families were 16,740 stand foring 24.9 % of the entire population. Poverty degree ( absolute ) in the territory is rather high and stands at 56 % per centum. Embu County Population 2010 Age cohort Year Male Female 0-4 16324 15439 5-9 20022 18785 10-14 22667 21286 15-19 20049 19569 20-24 13396 14989 25-29 10426 12251 30-34 8462 9738 35-39 6987 7881 40-44 5932 6219 45-49 4856 5069 50-54 3755 4236 55-59 2909 3320 60-64 2003 2125 65-69 1644 1804 70-74 1482 1776 75-79 1517 2042 80+ 2631 2967 Entire 145061 149497Main issues/problems in the territoryThe chief issues/problems refering population and development in the territory are hence: ( I ) Population and development. The issue here is weak integrating of population concerns into development planning that is chiefly due to miss of DIDC and stock list of establishments covering with population and development programmes. ( two ) Population and environment. Environment preservation has been one of the major restraints confronting Embu. This is chiefly due to poverty goaded devastation of the environment and unequal enforcement of bing environmental Torahs taking to environmental debasement and Poor waste disposal methods. ( three ) Young person and Children. High unemployment rate, high rate of school bead out for young person ( both sexes ) after induction ( Circumcision ) , lifting incidences of drug maltreatment and immorality among the young person, , high rate of early matrimonies and gestations and malnutrition taking to scrawny growing in kids are the major concerns impacting young person and kids. Children have no rights to protection, whereas the figure of orphans is on the addition. ( four ) Family. Irresponsible ingestion of spirits taking to household instability ; increased Numberss of individual parentage ; force in the household taking to separation/divorce, increased orphans, widow and widowmans were some of the issues that affected households in Embu. ( V ) Elderly and People with Disabilities. Problems confronting aged people and people with disablements include increased poorness, increased rates of forsaking of aged individuals and PWD ‘s, unequal shelter and wellness for the aged and PWD ‘s and stigmatisation of people with disablement Analysis of instutions involved in population programmes The undermentioned institutions/NGOs/CBOs/Ministries were identified as best suited to set about programmes to turn to the population and development issues raised above ; Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Home Affairs ( DSDO ) , Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Environment, Local Community and NGOs – ( FIDA, MYWO etc ) & A ; Religious Organizations. The tabular array below outlines the consequences of the SWOT analysis for the chief establishments that are expected to implement population and development issues: MOH, CBS, DCR, DDO, DSO, DALEO and, OOP. Integration of population variables in the development procedure Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Ministry of Planning & A ; National Development – Highly trained forces – Handiness of fiscal resources -logistical support -Mismanagement of the available resources – Poor motivated staff -Poor execution of the planned activities -Expanded web -Donor support -Competition for financess from -NGOS and spiritual organisations Population and environment Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Ministry Of Environment And Natural Resources – well trained forces – available fiscal resources – logistical support – clear policy guidelines -low morale of staff – low committedness to work – international support from bureaus like UNEP – transitions and expanded web – High population growing rate may take to environmental debasement – Nongovernmental organization may give contradictory messages to the communities they are functioning Children and young person Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Ministries of Education Science & A ; Technology, Home Affairs & A ; National Heritage and Labour & A ; Manpower Development NGOs – FPAK, Kenya Scouts, -Trained Forces – Logistic Support – Being of Institutions That Provide Education To Children And Youth – Strong Legal Backing – Resources – Highly Trained/ Motivated Personnel – Strong Mgt off programmes – Lack Of Poor Implementation Of Planned Programmes – Poor Enforcement Of The Laid Down Law – Inadequate Resources – Ill Motivated Staff – Poor Sustainability Of Programmes – Limited Coverage Of Programmes Being Implemented – Strong Government Support – Strong Donor Support – Strong Donor Support – Community Support For Programmes/Projects – Government Support – Being Of Expanded Network – High Poverty Levels Of The People Which Affects Child Care – High Hiv/Aids Prevalence Leading To High Mortality – Illiteracy Of The People – Donor Dependence 4.Family Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND MINISTRY OF EDUCATION – Trained Personnel, – Wide Coverage Favoured by Donor Community – Inadequate Staff, -Inadequate Logistic Support – Good Networking And Collaborations -Donor And Community Support – High staff abrasion – Transportation of Staff Aged and people with disablement Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ( DSDO ) -Adequate Office Accommodation, – Available Resource Centre, -Sufficient Logistics & A ; -Inadequate Staff, -Services Are Concentrated In Some Partss Of The District – Donor Support, – GOK Support, – Good Networking With Other Stakeholders – Sustainability Of Programmes, – Poor Community Participation Gender positions in development Gender can be defined as the function, rights and duties that civilization and society attach to persons harmonizing to whether they are male or female which translates into privileges enjoyed by their sex. Normally society attaches values, norms and functions to males and female that causes gender disparities that are seen in all domains of life. These disparities include marginalisation of adult females in instruction, income and belongings rights and deficiency of recognition In Embu County the undermentioned issues related to gender were identified: Main issues/problems oˆ‚? Reversal of functions in old age taking to depression of the aged work forces oˆ‚? Preferential ( prejudice ) intervention of male childs. oˆ‚? Low engagement of work forces in farm and off farm activities. Analysis of establishments covering with gender The cardinal establishments that can cover with the gender issues mentioned above in the territory are ; MOEST, MOH, FPAK, DSDO, MYWO, Churches, Provincial Administration, Children Department. A SWOT analysis of the chief establishments ( DSDO, DALEO and CBO ) that can turn to gender concerns in the territory revealed the followers: Gender position in development Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Non-Governmental Organizations ( MYWO ) – Strong web – possesses committed forces – there are ongoing undertakings which are successful – fiscal support from community and givers – the organisation supports chiefly adult females – the organisation is politicized at the lower degree – has goodwill from the local communities – giver support – political intervention – competition from NCWK Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage & A ; Sports – Hour angle fiscal resources for programmes and activities – has the legal backup – qualified forces up to lower degree – low morale of staff – deficiency of equipment to ease better working environment – bureaucratism in determination devising – expanded web to the locational degree – competition in execution of activities from MYWO and NCWK Generative wellness ( RH ) Generative Health ( RH ) as defined by World Health Organization ( WHO ) , is by and large a province of complete physical, mental, and societal well being in all affairs related to the RH system, and non simply the absence of disease or frailty. RH attention system therefore is inclusive of all promotive, preventative and healing services that will be contributing to the well being of the person in human reproduction and gender. In Mbeere County, different facets of proviso of generative wellness services were found to be desiring. Issues/problems related to Reproductive Health ( RH ) oˆ‚? Despite Embu County holding over 31 wellness installations, several jobs impacting generative wellness were highlighted. These include: oˆ‚? Inadequate attention and support for those septic and affected by HIV/AIDS oˆ‚? Inadequate no. of specialised fact-finding equipment in wellness installations oˆ‚? Inadequate wellness forces in the territory oˆ‚? Lack of young person friendly and male merely clinics in the territory oˆ‚? High incidence of FGM in the County. oˆ‚? Low usage of rubbers due to miss of sufficient instruction. Analysis of cardinal establishments involved in RH services An analysis ( SWOT Analysis ) of the cardinal establishments involved in RH services and STI/HIV/AIDs identified the Ministry of Health and the Office of the President as the key establishments that deal with the Reproductive Health Services in Embu County. Other groups that deal with RH STI/HIV/AIDs are the DSDO and NGOs. The SWOT analysis of MOH and other chief suppliers of Reproductive Health services are as follows: Generative Health ( RH ) Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces MoH – Sustainability of ongoing programmes – expanded web of activities – extremely motivated and committed staff – available fiscal resources – strong corporate image – uncertain when givers pull out – limited coverage of activities to certain countries merely – poorness of the general population taking to non usage of the available services – there is community support for the programmes/projects authorities support – political intervention – competition from NCWK – competition for clients from other NGOS/private sector STI/HIV/AIDS One of the RH concerns that have continued to impact a big population of Kenyans in their generative ages is STI/HIV/AIDS. In Embu District HIV prevalence is of great concern. Unless the spread of HIV/AIDs is checked the territory faces an at hand catastrophe. The civilization beliefs and poorness in the community are some of the major factors that have contributed to the rise in infection rate in the territory. The issue/problems that require pressing attending include: – Main issues/problems Issues/problems that require pressing and conjunct attempts in the territory are: oˆ‚? High incidence of STDs and HIV/AIDS oˆ‚? slow behavioral alteration oˆ‚? inadequate attention and support for orphans Analysis of establishments that trades with HIV /AIDS issues The Ministry of Health, NACC, OP, NGOs ( YWCA, KESPA ) and spiritual organisations ( ACK ) were identified as major establishments that can spearhead the battle against HIV/AIDs. A SWOT analysis of MOH/NCC revealed the followers: and fiscal facets of the programmes as summarized in the tabular array below: – Integration of population variables in the development procedure Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Ministry of Health, NACC – Expanded web to the grass root degrees and communities – extremely qualified forces – handiness of fiscal resources – hapless direction of available resources – deficiency of confidentiality of information particularly those septic – giver support for programmes and activities – community support for projects/programmes – expensive drugs, which can non be purchased by those septic – high poorness degrees of the population – deficiency of acceptance/stigmatization of those septic Institution Strength Failings Opportunities Menaces Non Governmental Organizations ( MYWO, KCS, ACK, FPAK ) – Qualified and committed forces – available fiscal resources – have web to rural countries – hapless coordination of programme execution – hapless direction of resources allocated for activities – sustainability of programmes in uncertainty – have an expanded web that can be exploited for their benefit – community support strong – there is authorities support for programmes – over dependance on giver support – competition among NGOs for donor support of activities 3.0 Chapter Three: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF OPINION POLL Develop realistic, specific and mensurable aims that identify PSC ‘ outlooks. The adviser will: a ) Identify ultimate Embu County place being sought B ) Develop clear and specific and mensurable aim that identify Leadership anticipated impact on consciousness, credence and action of each cardinal constittuent to the prospective campaigner degree Celsiuss ) Give attending to the cardinal nonsubjective covering with credence of the campaigner quality Table Drumhead Contentss of a logical model A Narrative Summary Verifiable Indexs Meanss of Confirmation Important Premises Goal: Develop realistic, specific and mensurable aims that identify PSC communicating outlooks. At the Agreement degree, within the period of this undertaking ( estimated clip ) A -Promotion of â€Å" bottom line †favorable public policy result A -Reduction cost of making run A -Support campaigning/operational effectivity Components will Support sentiment canvass cardinal implementers A -The program can be implemented given the resources, and civilization of the organisation Purpose: to incorporate all the PSC communicating plans, public instruction and protagonism attempts. A sentiment canvass planning Model A Proposed sentiment canvass Strategy: A sentiment canvass Program Plan Opinion canvass Components Plans -Goals set, mark audiences, strategic consequences identified A Programs, – Substantive and operational precedences and attacks defined – sentiment canvass plan direction, and plan resources set to implement the scheme -Implementation programs for sentiment canvass Should incarnate an iterative, orderly sentiment canvass procedure Should include audience with constitutional Key authorization and cardinal implementers Must reflect the cooporation and necessitate for/development attitude civilization, End products: constitutional sentiment. -Key scheme that provides the model for Opinion canvass related work of the county -Data collected from the component sentiment canvass study Correct and nonsubjective consequences Activities: a ) Identify and analyse the component with whom the county service and county leading interaction ( cleavage ) B ) Identify wants, footings, and outlooks degree Celsius ) Identify component demand vitamin D ) Identify societal, economic, political, cultural and technological trendsoutputs. vitamin E ) Identify ultimate County place being sought degree Fahrenheit ) Develop clear and specific and mensurable sentiment canvass objectives that identify Leadership anticipated impact on consciousness, leading credence and action of each cardinal public degree Fahrenheit ) Give attending to the cardinal nonsubjective covering with credence of the prospective campaigner development issue during the sentiment canvass g ) Determine the grade to which stated sentiment canvass aims have been met A identify concerns, precedences, issues, consensus Coevals of relevant cognition that will assist in Opinion canvass -All components A -Anyone who will be â€Å" at the tabular array †to O.K. strategic planning proposition A – All cardinal Implementers A – Parties who will be called on to implement the scheme 4.0 CHAPTER FOUR: Action Plan Create action programs and way for the organisation activity and cardinal messages. Measure 1: Develop Messages Messages are closely tied to end and aims. They deliver of import information about the issue and oblige the targeted audience to believe, experience, or act. They will: Show the importance, urgency, or magnitude of the issue Show the relevancy of the issue Put a â€Å" face †on the issue Be tied to specific audience values, beliefs, or involvements of the audience Reflect an apprehension of what would actuate the audience to believe, experience, or act Be culturally relevant and sensitive Be Memorable The messages developed by utilizing the worksheet provided in this annexure will be used in many ways. First, they are a set of statements that adviser and squad agree upon as conveying the cardinal information for PSC enterprise. They will non include all the item and back uping thoughts and informations that PSC may utilize in printed stuffs or other signifiers of communicating. The messages developed in the worksheets will go the implicit in subjects for your stuffs and activities. A motto will be developed based on them. Sets of speaking points will be developed will be usage in doing presentations. And they easy become the footing for wireless and print PSAs, the generation for postings, and may propose subjects for fact sheets, drop-in articles, and even letters to the editor or newspaper columns. Measure 2: Considerations for Questionnaire Construction Using effectual communicating Find cardinal fact about the components. Consideration of what will to be done at assorted phases. This will include determination about the Questionnaire design and Construction, beginning who will administrate the Questionnaire to the cardinal components ( tone, content, tone and manner, verbal and non verbal cue ) . Clarity-Questions must clearly Constructed assure the populace ‘s apprehension and to restrict the alterations for misinterpretation or inappropriate reply. Readability trials can assist find the reading degree required to understand drafted inquiries and aid authors to be painstaking about the choice of words and phrases. Consistency of subtopics-In an ideal universe there would be specific consensus on the significance of new findings, and all messages on a peculiar subject would be consistent. Unfortunately, consistence is sometimes elusive. The information in each subdivision will be analysed differentlyto make sense of the topic. Main points-The chief points should be stressed, repeated, and ne'er hidden within less strategically of import inquiries. Tone and appeal-A message should be reassuring, dismaying, disputing, or straightforward, depending upon the coveted impact and the mark audience. Messages should besides be true, honest and every bit complete as possible. Credibility-The helpers research worker should be credible and trusty. Public need-For a questionnaire to interrupt through the â€Å" information jumble †of society, the inquiries will be based on what the mark audience perceives as most of import to them, what they want to cognize about their prospective leader, and non what is most of import or most interesting to the arising County. Prior to concluding production, the questionnaire will be pretested with the mark audiences to guarantee public apprehension andfor intended responses. The adviser will first analyze what are the barriers and benefits to Embu County component thought, feeling, or moving on issue, what alteration in attitude toward ( the manner they feel about the issue county leading ) do County leading want to actuate in its components to run into its end, and eventually what alteration in the leading behaviour ( daily actions ) the county is seeking to accomplish. based on what the components know about past history, for them to to hear in order to believe, experience or move. This is because obliging inquiries will be used to actuate the component thereof to the candidate.. Chapter FOUR: IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIC Plan Implement the Plan Measure 1: Develop time-line and budget to implement the Opinion canvass. Many tools will be used for forming about clip, fundss, and staff needed to implement an enterprise. The undermentioned stairss will be usage to find execution of timeline, budget and staffing demands: a ) Develop budget and agenda B ) Prepare to implement the sentiment canvass Research programme Measure 2: 1. Listing all activities 2. Sketching the stairss under each activity, , in order, that will take to its completion 3. Delegating a budget estimation to each measure 4. Delegating a staffing needs estimation to each measure 5. working backwards from the activity completion point, delegate a day of the month for each measure in the activity. Table: Embu County sentiment canvass Strategic plan Citation No Phase Activity Schedule/ Time ( Weeks ) Cost ( Kshs. ) 1 Phase one: formative research Measure 1: Analyzing state of affairs ( contrivers, clients, co-workers, ultimate decision-makers, moneymans ) Measure 2: Analyzing Organization a ) Internal environment ( mission, vision and resources ) B ) Public perceptual experience and repute degree Celsius ) External environment ( rivals, oppositions and protagonists ) Measure 3: Analyzing populace a ) Identify and analyse the populace with whom the organisation interact ( cleavage ) B ) Identify wants, footings, and outlooks degree Celsius ) Identify demand for engagement in communicating vitamin D ) Identify societal, economic, political, cultural and technological tendencies 1 1 2 50,000 100,000 100,000 4 250,000 2 Phase two: strategic research Measure 4: Establishing ends and aims a ) Identify ultimate organisation place being sought B ) Develop clear and specific and mensurable aim that identify organisation anticipated impact on consciousness, credence and action of each cardinal public degree Celsiuss ) Give attending to the cardinal nonsubjective covering with credence of the message Measure 5: Explicating action and response schemes ( consideration of what is to be done at assorted phases ) Measure 6: Using effectual communicating a ) Decision about the message, beginning who will show the message to the cardinal populaces, tone, content, tone and manner, verbal and non verbal cue, 1/2 1/2 1 50,000 50,000 100,000 2 200,000 3 Phase three: Tacticss ( consideration of assorted communicating tools including seeable elements ) Step7: Choosing communicating tactics ( inventory trades with assorted communicating options ) a ) Face-to-face communicating and chances for personal engagement B ) Organizational media ( controlled media ) degree Celsiuss ) New media ( uncontrolled media ) vitamin D ) Ad and promotional media ( controlled media ) Measure 8: Implementing strategic program a ) Develop budget and agenda B ) Prepare to implement the communicating programme 1 2 200,000 200,000 3 400,000 4 Phase four: Appraising research ( rating and appraisal ) Measure 1: Measuring strategic program a ) Determine the grade to which stated aims have been met B ) Modify and go on with the communicating activity 1 50,000 1 50,000 5 Grand Total 8 900,000 .. Continued Appendix II: Survey tool ( Questionnaire ) Section A: Election Make you O.K. or disapprove of the occupation Embu County is making as County with devolve powers? Approve Disapprove Do n't cognize Make you O.K. or disapprove of the occupation County leading is making? Approve Disapprove Do n't cognize Right now, how interested are you in the 2012 senator election in the Embu County? Are you: Highly interested Very interested Slightly interested Not at all interested Which one of the undermentioned issues will be the most of import in make up one's minding your ballot for Senator? State how you agree. Issue Strongly hold Agree Disagree Strong disagree Economy Occupations security Health attention Immigration Taxs Ethics/government corruptness Environment Education Development Others ( Please stipulate ) †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ Do n't cognize If the 2012 Senator primary were held today, for whom would you vote if the campaigners were ( For mention: were the lone picks in the Senator primary, how would you vote? ( NAMES ) Regardless of how you plan to vote, which candidate do you believe has the best opportunity of being elected for the place of a senator for the Embu County in 2012 the general election? If the 2012 senator primary were held today, for whom would you vote if the campaigners were: ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) ( Do n't cognize ) If ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE of pick ) were the lone picks in the county primary, how would you vote? ( ROTATE ) ( Do n't cognize ) Thinking in front to the following general election, if the 2012 general election were held today for whom would you vote if the campaigners were: Which senator campaigner do you believe is more likely to make anything  including something unethical  to win the election? ( RANDOMIZE PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) ( Do n't cognize ) Section B: Position ON SENSITIVITY AND CAPABILITY CANDIDATE Which senator campaigner do you believe is more likely to make anything  including something anticipated  to win the election ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) ? Which senator campaigner do you believe is most prepared to get down taking the state on twenty-four hours one of taking office? ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) Regardless of how you plan to vote, which senator campaigner do you believe is the most positive? ( RANDOMIZE ) Regardless of how you plan to vote, which senator campaigner do you believe is the most likely to make something that would abash the county? ( RANDOMIZE PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) Do you believe ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) is doing unjust onslaughts against the rival ( s ) ? ( ROTATE NEXT QUESTIONS harmonizing to PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES ) Yes No Do n't cognizeFrom a gender position, do you believe it is more hard for adult females to acquire in front in today ‘s universe? ( ROTATE )Yes. No. Both the same Neither Do n't cognizeDo you believe the ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ) run tried to utilize ethnicity as an issue against the Minority?Yes No Do n't Know In respect to the Embu County, and in peculiar the degeneration of authorities, who do you believe benefits most from the recent new fundamental law promulgaration? Presidential Senator components No 1 Do n't cognize Do you believe your pick senator should be, or non be held at all the clip, responsible, and accountable for whatever, is decided, implemented and the subsequent result in the county? Yes, No Do n't cognize Briefly explain†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ If Senators were elected for Embu County, who do you believe your pick would truly be Senator? Yes No Briefly explain†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ .. Do you believe the senator would be in truly be in charge, or would at that place be a carbon monoxide senatorship? Would truly be in charge co-senator ship Do n't cognize Briefly explain†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ .. If ( YOUR PROSPECTIVIVE CANDIDATE ) of were elected Senator and got into a hard County policy state of affairs with another leader, would you anticipate the senator to leap in to support the manner PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ) has been making on the run trail? Yes No Do n't cognize Section C: INDIVIDUAL CONSTITUENT PROSPECTS IN REGARD BACKGROUND How would you rate your personal fiscal state of affairs by voting you campaigner of pick? excellent, good, merely just hapless Do n't cognize A twelvemonth from now, do you believe your personal fiscal state of affairs will be better worse Better Lapp Do n't cognize ) Have you personally felt a downward tendency in the economic system or do you believe that ‘s merely something intelligence newsmans are speaking about? Personally felt downswing Merely something intelligence newsmans talk about Neither Do n't cognize The Parliament is presently debating an economic growing bundle that could Include, a revenue enhancement discount wellness insurance of a few 100 shillings. If you received a revenue enhancement discount in the following few months, what do you believe you would make with the money  save it or pass it? Salvage it Spend it Spend some salvage some Do n't cognize Section C: Political Designation Many will hold that, political parties, current political issues and the campaigners that are up for election are the cardinal factors that determine citizens ‘ ballot picks. When you think about political relations, do you believe of yourself pick as dependant of, Partiality and political orientation Party Identification and Ideological party Orientations Individual campaigner – degree grounds Do n't cognize How do you experience near to one of the parties? ( LIST PARTIES ) . Do believe of ego as near to any peculiar party? †If NO: identifiers ( â€Å" yes †) Make experience self a small closer to one of the parties than the others? â€Å" ( sympathisers ) Do n't cognize, no reply mugwumps ( aˆzno, non near †) Let me advert some people who have said that they will seek the nomination for SenatorShip in Embu. ( Prospective Campaigner ) . If the following Embu primary for senator were being held today, for which one of the undermentioned campaigners would you vote? ( If â€Å" non certain, †ask: ) Well, which manner do you tilt? Now I ‘d wish to inquire a few inquiries specifically about ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ) Let me read you a figure of features and inquire you to measure ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ) on each one. For each point, delight state me whether you feel positive about negative about her, or whether you have impersonal or assorted feelings about her. Please State how positive you experience? Feel Positive Feel Negative Have Neutral/Mixed Feelingss Not Certain Please remark on about your ( Prospective Campaigner ) Experience and competency†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ .. Valuess and character†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . Warmth and compassion†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . Personality and manner†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . Her places on the issues†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ Asked of on behalf the respondents ( FORM A ) . In footings of ( PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ) attack to the issues, do you believe as PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ) being broad, centrist, conservative in the attack to the issues ( IF â€Å" LIBERAL †OR â€Å" CONSERVATIVE, †ASK for account: ) And do you believe that is really ( liberal/conservative ) or slightly ( liberal/conservative ) in her attack to the issues? State how broad. Preposition /Candidate Very broad Very broad Slightly broad Slightly conservative Moderate Very conservative Not certain
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