Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Police Case Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Police Case Scenarios - Essay Example Taking the case where the two police officers were on a patrol on high – crime area, the officers were in a position and had the right to arrest the passenger. First was to make the rights to known to the passenger by telling them that they had the right to keep quiet, and secondly elaborate to the passenger why he or she was to remain silent. The reason to this was because any word could be used against the suspect who was the passenger in a court of law. After conducting the arrest, the officers were to explain to the suspect of the importance of having an attorney. The state would appoint one for the suspect to represent him or her in the jury or court of law in case the suspect could not afford an attorney. The fact that the woman leaning on the window was walking away was enough sign that whatever activity that was going on in and outside the car might not be legal. When the police officers got closer to the car, the passenger acted suspiciously and began to fidget and shove the hand downwards. There was suspicion bearing in mind that the woman leaning at the window had walked away. The police officers were right to present the passenger’s motion to suppress the seized evidence as evidence to the court. At arrival, the passenger shoved down the hands. Although there is circumstantial evidence, it will still be relied upon because of the nature in which the officers took the evidence. The series of events that occurred from the beginning make it circumstantial combined with physical evidence because cocaine was in the car. The officers made a judgment quickly to tell the suspect to put the hands where they are visible. The judgment was after the suspect shoved the hands downwards and complied only after the police officer drew his gun and gave the command. The police officer who made the arrest formed the correct opinion because it was a possible fact that maybe the suspect was reaching out for a gun, and the hands were
Monday, October 28, 2019
Snow White Gender Roles Essay Example for Free
Snow White Gender Roles Essay The story of Snow White begins as all other fairy tales. The lovely queen bares a beautiful little girl but doesn’t get the chance to see her grow up. Snow Whites father remarried a beautiful woman and she just knew she was the most beautiful woman ever. Snow White became older and her beauty began to show more and more as the days went by, more beauty then the queen had. Of course the queen became very upset with this and ordered that Snow White was killed so that she can take back her place as the prettiest in the land. The hunter found Snow White in the woods but he couldn’t kill her. He told her to run away and to never come back home and gave the queen a pig’s heart instead. Snow mad her way to a little cottage and stayed there until the queen found out what happened she found her and poisoned her. End the end the queen died and Snow was saved by her prince and rode off into the sunset. Now in this story there are many males’ roles and only two females and they have many roles they each portray in a fairy-tale. Snow White’s gender roles included; the evil queen, the hero, and the damsel in distress. The queen is usually mean throughout the entire story, but in this one she wasn’t always this way. When snow white was little the queen was a somewhat nice/decent person until she Johnson pg.2 realized her step daughter looked better than her. Now in reality this is possible maybe not in the since of the step mother killing the child but getting rid of them. They more envy she gives off the more disturbing she becomes because she is no longer focused on her on wellbeing but hurting someone else. Sometimes females get so carried up with what other girls are doing trying to make them look bad but they forget all about taking care of themselves. The queen thought that killing snow white would make her life easier but it only got worse every time she tried until she met her death. Women get to the point where trying to make someone else suffers and end being the one hurt in the end because they put too much effort. The hero in this story would be of course the handsome prince who saves little snow white and brings her back to life. In reality a woman’s hero is not necessarily someone who saves our live but the one who is there in our time of need. The prince knew nothing of snow white until he seen her in the glass coffin. He only shows up when she needs help kind of like now when a woman is need sometimes a nice man just comes along to help and to make our day better. The seven dwarfs were like family to snow. They gave her somewhere to stay and food to eat as long as she does the chores. In life if you have an issue there is always a family member that will take you and help you out through those hard times. Now as far as snow white herself would be the damsel in distress. A beautiful young lady who has someone out to get her but then is rescued by the man of her dreams. In her role there is nothing she can do except run away and let other want to they just were never taught to do so. A royal persons role in life is stand there give orders and to look nice. Therefore they don’t learn the basic roles of survival. So with the descriptions of all the characters we now see that the role of the men in this story is to protect Johnson pg. 3 roles of the women were to look pretty and do no outside work. The narrative’s point of view of snow white was kind of hard to understand but as I continued to read I understood exactly what he/she was trying to say. The witch from the narrator’s view was that she grew to be so evil is because snow became so beautiful so fast, she thought that everyone else would forget all about her and that she would never be loved again. The more the story went on the more jealous the queen got. It even got to the point to where she changed her identity just to set snow up for death. The narrator makes the queen seem like the absolute worst person on earth but she actually is just like any other woman who felt someone is threating her territory and took action to stop it. Snow White is supposed to be the typical princess who picks out the pretty dresses and waits for her handsome prince to come sweep her off her feet. The narrator describes her as the princess who has to work for what she wants. Princesses don’t run away from the castle because their step mother is trying to kill them. Snow had to hide herself in order to live. She had to find a home, food, and some way to support her until she got on her feet or found the prince she’s been looking for. The narrator described snow as a hard working young lady. She cooked, cleaned, and with the help of the animals she even redecorated the dwarf’s home. The prince in the narrator’s point of view is the one who knew what he was looking for he just didn’t know where to look for it until that day he found the little house sitting in the woods not knowing that he would find the love of his life lying in a glass casket. Although he wasn’t talked about much in this story, the narrator viewed him as brave young man who saved the most fairly of them all, and he was. Now the dwarfs in the narrator’s point of view were Johnson pg. 4 snow’s little helpers. Even though she found them first and kind of took over their home, they were still willing to let her in. They were sort of like her foster parents, how they looked after her and cared for her. Snow White has many descriptions on the actions that both sex in the story. For instance when the prince found snow she wasn’t in your typical big puffy ball gown dancing around the room with other women and she just so happen to stand out him. She was lying dead in a coffin made of glass and he fell in love with her there. When someone actually thinks about a prince finding his princess they don’t see him randomly going into the woods to find a coffin with a beautiful young lady lying their lifeless. She is supposed to be alive waiting on him to come to her home and take her as his wife. Princesses are to dressed in the most exquisite dresses and the long hair flowing down her back having everything she wants, snow wasn’t like that. Snow had on the simple little dress with short hair and in the story it seems like she didn’t actually get everything she wanted. She went through hell to get the man of her dreams from running from the hunter to the poison apple, even losing her mother when she a little girl. In society today the royal court isn’t really like the story at all. They don’t really have to work or do chores. Snow had to clean up after seven dirty men every day, that’s not a typical princess. Also when the queen dies and the king does remarry he doesn’t just put his child aside and worry only about his new wife. Snow’s father isn’t mentioned in this story really at all as if he just left soon as the mother died. Kind of like now how some kids start off with their father then one day he just up and disappears. The queen hiring someone to kill her stepchild, that Johnson pg. 5 doesn’t happen in the world today. The queen doesn’t really have the power to order someone be killed because it’s the king’s job. Snow found the dwarfs home in the woods and just walked in and started cleaning and eating, basically making herself at home. The dwarf’s come home expecting their home to be exactly the way it was when the left not for it to be cleaned, food cooked and for a strange woman to be in as if she belong there. In society today she would have went to jail for breaking and entering. The roles in this story are completely different not only in the world today, but from any other fairy there is today. The women actually took charge and worked for what they wanted. And as for the men they set back and watch the women proceed through out day to day making sure everything that needs to be done gets done, not your everyday royal family.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Blushing and Physiological Arousability in Social Phobia Essay
Blushing and Physiological Arousability in Social Phobia Introduction This paper will provide a critique of the article titled â€Å"Blushing and Physiological Arousability in Social Phobia,†(Gerlach et al., 2001) located in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Vol. 110, No. 2). Blushing is defined as: â€Å"to become red in the face especially from shame or embarrassment. †It is believed that blushing involves physiological, behavioral, and cognitive factors which react with one another. The actual cause of one blushing is physiological; the amount of blood in one’s face increases causing the amplification of a red hue in the blush region. The blush region is defined to be the face, forehead, ears, neck, and sometimes the upper part of the chest. The DSM-IV defines social phobia as marked and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which embarrassment may occur. Since blushing occurs when one is embarrassed, the researchers hoped to find a link between blushing and the reasons of in social phobic persons. Hypothesis The researches hypothesized that persons with social phobia who complain of blushing would show more blushing as opposed to those who are social phobic without complaints of blushing or the controls. The researches came to this hypothesis because it is believed that if one is aware of their uncontrollable blushing, they have an increased awareness cognitively towards their blushing problem. In turn, one may exaggerate the amount of blushing they are experiencing which in turn will increase the actual physiological process heightening the blush level. Also, because the relation between heart rate and phobic anxiety exists, it was also hypothesized there would be a difference in heart rate between the subgroups. The researchers believe that heart rate reliably shows the amount of phobic anxiety one is enduring. Therefore, it is believed that the participants who complain of blushing will also have a higher heart rate compared to the other two subgroups. Participants The study consisted of 44 participants (54% female, 46% male). The mean age of the participants of all three subgroups was 39.9 years of age. The mean years of education among the participants were 16.23 years. The participants all originated within Silicon Valley and the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area in California. All were highly educated and economical... ...t even though the intended reason for the study did not follow through, the found evidence could be helpful for future studies. Researchers in the future studying this matter would no longer have to test heart rate palpitations; they will now know it does vary on the diagnosis of the person. I believe the basis of the study was good, but it was carried out in a hurried state. The participants and time spent on testing were both minimal. I think that the subject was unique and would help others studying this factor because it is one that people are curious about. A physiological change by external stimuli in a person is always a topic of concern and curiosity. Surgery has been suggested to those with blushing problems to help lessen the obvious nature of it. As this study and the researchers have suggested, one should be wary of such surgery. They found there is no apparent evidence stating that one with social phobia blushes more than one without. I think this piece of advice in itself shows that this study has had an impact in the scientific world and the human population. Merriam-Webster Dictionary Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. 110, No. 2. (2001) Page248. Blushing and Physiological Arousability in Social Phobia Essay Blushing and Physiological Arousability in Social Phobia Introduction This paper will provide a critique of the article titled â€Å"Blushing and Physiological Arousability in Social Phobia,†(Gerlach et al., 2001) located in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Vol. 110, No. 2). Blushing is defined as: â€Å"to become red in the face especially from shame or embarrassment. †It is believed that blushing involves physiological, behavioral, and cognitive factors which react with one another. The actual cause of one blushing is physiological; the amount of blood in one’s face increases causing the amplification of a red hue in the blush region. The blush region is defined to be the face, forehead, ears, neck, and sometimes the upper part of the chest. The DSM-IV defines social phobia as marked and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which embarrassment may occur. Since blushing occurs when one is embarrassed, the researchers hoped to find a link between blushing and the reasons of in social phobic persons. Hypothesis The researches hypothesized that persons with social phobia who complain of blushing would show more blushing as opposed to those who are social phobic without complaints of blushing or the controls. The researches came to this hypothesis because it is believed that if one is aware of their uncontrollable blushing, they have an increased awareness cognitively towards their blushing problem. In turn, one may exaggerate the amount of blushing they are experiencing which in turn will increase the actual physiological process heightening the blush level. Also, because the relation between heart rate and phobic anxiety exists, it was also hypothesized there would be a difference in heart rate between the subgroups. The researchers believe that heart rate reliably shows the amount of phobic anxiety one is enduring. Therefore, it is believed that the participants who complain of blushing will also have a higher heart rate compared to the other two subgroups. Participants The study consisted of 44 participants (54% female, 46% male). The mean age of the participants of all three subgroups was 39.9 years of age. The mean years of education among the participants were 16.23 years. The participants all originated within Silicon Valley and the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area in California. All were highly educated and economical... ...t even though the intended reason for the study did not follow through, the found evidence could be helpful for future studies. Researchers in the future studying this matter would no longer have to test heart rate palpitations; they will now know it does vary on the diagnosis of the person. I believe the basis of the study was good, but it was carried out in a hurried state. The participants and time spent on testing were both minimal. I think that the subject was unique and would help others studying this factor because it is one that people are curious about. A physiological change by external stimuli in a person is always a topic of concern and curiosity. Surgery has been suggested to those with blushing problems to help lessen the obvious nature of it. As this study and the researchers have suggested, one should be wary of such surgery. They found there is no apparent evidence stating that one with social phobia blushes more than one without. I think this piece of advice in itself shows that this study has had an impact in the scientific world and the human population. Merriam-Webster Dictionary Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. 110, No. 2. (2001) Page248.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
What is the meaning of the Ninth Commandment?
The basic premise behind the ninth commandment is truth, whether it is truth in deed, truthful speech or honest thoughts. If we take the meaning of the commandment further and interpret the words to mean that a person should not lie, then we can understand better how this commandment might impact our daily life, especially in today’s modern environment where deception, and white lies appear to be condoned by our western society. The ninth commandment requires for each individual to be honest in his or her dealings with others, but analysis of the term â€Å"lying†reveals that there is more to being truthful than accurate reporting.The Oxford Modern English Dictionary (1996) defines â€Å"truth†as being â€Å"the quality or state of being true or truthful†(p. 1114) and â€Å"truthful†as â€Å"habitually telling the truth†(p.1114). By comparison the definition of the term â€Å"lying†in the same dictionary is listed as â₠¬Å"part of a lie†¦deceitful, false†(p.595) where â€Å"Lie†is described as â€Å"an intentionally false statement†(p. 573). From these interpretations it is easy to reach the conclusion that the definition of both truth and lying is steeped more in the intention of the individual rather than individual acts or words spoken.Brevard Childs (1974) believed that the original idea behind the ninth commandment was a legal one, rather than an ethical one, in that he translated the original text to mean that a person should not tell lies in a court of law (Childs, 1974), however the more modern viewpoint on the meaning of the commandment appears to be related to individual accountability and a desire to live a life of truth (St. John in the Wilderness, 2001, [online]).There are many different ways a person can lie including withholding the truth, slandering another person or action, or telling white lies and despite ethical discussions to the contrary all of these actions are considered untruthful from a biblical perspective. For example in Leviticus 19:11, we are told, â€Å"you shall not steal, you shall not deal falsely, and you will not lie to one another†(NRSV). Later in the same chapter we are again told, â€Å"you shall not go around as a slanderer among your people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Leviticus 19:16). These are just two of the copious number of biblical references that can be found that encourage each individual to be a truthful person, but how relevant is this truth in modern society?Terence Fretheim (1991) interpreted the ninth commandment to convey a foundation for community and social living. He wrote, â€Å"unless there is an arena in which there is public confidence that social reality will be reliably described and reported†(Fretheim, p.848), the concept of community could not exist.  Blatnik (2004) corroborates that idea and goes on to say, â€Å"there is no community on the face of public lies†(p.3). Blatnik (2004) also mentions verses in Ephesians that point towards the idea that â€Å"we are bound to each other in a way that a lie in one place, a lie at one level, a lie by one person, is like a ripple in a pond – the whole pond is ultimately affected†(p.3).Walter Brueggemann (1994) wrote in his book that the ninth commandment is â€Å"a recognition that community life is not possible unless there is an arena in which there is public confidence that social reality will be reliably described and reported†(p.26). He believed that not only was truth an important part of a just and fair legal system, but that truth should be evident in all forms of public interaction. For example the modern idea that skewing the truth in the advertisement of products in mass media forums is an accepted part of society, but essentially if public truth cannot reflect public reality then an important part of society is undermined and we as members of this society tend, over time, to distrust the messages we get from mass media sources.In his book Commandments of Compassion, Keenan (1999) suggest that as a society we need to â€Å"create a space where truth can be told†(p.4). He believes that truth should be evident in personal relationships, family relationships and public dealings we have with other members of our community. Unfortunately this level of truth can only be created if all members of society were totally honest with each other and as it is not possible for us as human beings, to read the thoughts of another person, it is often difficult to tell if a person we are dealing with has the same commitment towards living a truthful life as we ourselves would like to have.John Timmerman (1997) also wrote about how to be truthful in all of our relationships, both personal and public. He emphasized the different ways we as individuals could achieve this level of truthfulness and suggested that if we were caref ul in the words we spoke so that we did not give another person the wrong impression, and combined this with attentive listening to another person, then these actions could increase our own individual ability to be truthful at all times. Timmerman also noted that the idea of promises were almost a sacred act, in that as we believe in the promises from God, so we should ensure that we only make promises we can keep (Timmerman, 1997).According to John Ritenbaugh (1997) lying is rife in our communities. His article mentions surveys that show that students lie to their parents about 50% of the time, that people in personal relationships lie about 30 percent of the time to their partner, while 12% of four million Americans in the job market had lost their jobs because they had misleading information on their resumes (Ritenbaugh, 1997). He suggested that the reason lying was so prevalent in our society was because we tend to use other terms for lying, such as â€Å"exaggerati ng†or â€Å"inaccuracy†to describe the untruths.We seem as a society to accept that politicians are up to no good, that a salesman is probably â€Å"putting us on†and that big corporations must be doing something illegal because they make so much money. The fact that these beliefs have permeated our social fabric to such a degree that these thoughts are commonplace shows just how little truth we expect from others in our daily lives. This fact alone would suggest that because we do not expect others to tell us the truth, we might be less likely to be truthful ourselves. It would seem that much of society is based on the idea that ‘everyone else is doing it†so therefore we can absolve ourselves of being accountable and honest in our own dealings with others.The Bible gives us countless examples of what it means to be truthful. Deuteronomy 32:4 says â€Å"He is the rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of tr uth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He†(NSRV). The teachings from Jesus also contain ideas on how to be truthful, especially in terms of the role model he became for other people. Jesus was an example of a person who lived by his words on a daily basis, and it is through his example that we can see what changes we might need to put in place in our own lives, to be a better and more truthful person.A Christian student goes to a Christian college with the expectation that the people who share the campus with them are going to live by the same standards as themselves. One of these expectation is that the other students, the tutors and even the administration staff of the college will all want to abide by the ten commandments and sometimes it can be bit of a shock to us to find that not only are there countless people in general society that fail to live by the commandments on a daily basis, but that some of the people in the college are also failing to li ve by the high standards set by Jesus Christ.However, it is my personal opinion that when it comes to attendance at a Christian educational institution that rather than condemn or alienate those students who might lie to us, or fail the commandments in some way or another, that we need to be forgiving and use the positive Christian influence of the college to help understand why some people find it difficult to be truthful in voice and deed and encourage these people back onto a Christian path in life. We need to heed the words by Keenan (1999) mentioned earlier that we need to create the space where a person can feel comfortable enough to tell the truth.One of the main reasons people lie to others is based on their own fear of being judged by another person. Most of us feel the need to make a good impression on others, so we feel we are not doing any harm by just omitting a few pertinent facts, or telling a few white lies to make ourselves appear better in a public light. A lthough the intention behind these actions may not be malicious, any form of untruth is a lie, and the only way we can be truthful people, and keep the ninth commandment is to be totally honest in all our dealings, both personal and professional.As students we are all well aware of how easy it is to be tempted to appear â€Å"better†in the way we behave, especially among our peers (Christian and non-Christian), but as Christians we are also aware of how important it is for us to live by higher standards than other non-Christian people might be prepared to live. We need to remember that we are all sinners in some way or another, which is why I think that it is so important, when we do become aware that one of our Christian classmates is having problems being honest in their dealings, that we help rather than condemn him. For example one of our classmates might be telling â€Å"white lies†to his parents because his grades are not as high as they should be.Even though we all learn the importance of being truthful in all of our thoughts, words and actions, it is not our place to ignore or shun that failing student – it is not our place to judge him. Rather we should help him in spiritual ways by studying scriptures that are appropriate for the situation, and in practical ways by offering to help him study harder so that he is able to get a grade he can be proud of. Blatnik (2004) told us that just one lie by one individual in a community can affect the whole community, but if we as Christian individuals hold fast to our own truths then through the power of prayer and understanding we can help our fellow students stay true to the teachings of Jesus Christ.The ninth commandment tells us we should not bear false witness against our neighbour – what it is asking us to do is to make truth the foundation for our lives here on earth. Only when we are completely truthful in all of our dealings with other people around us c an we have an honest relationship with God, and that fact applies to all of us, not only as Christians, not only as college students, but also as members of the human race.ReferencesBlatnik, D.J., (2004). The Ninth Commandment. Second Presbyterian Church Sermons, accessed online at October 2, 2005Brueggemann, W., (1994). The Book of Exodus, in The New Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 1. Nashville: Abingdon PressChilds, B.S., (1974). The book of Exodus: A critical, theological commentary. Louisville: Westminster Press.Fretheim, T.E., (1991). Exodus: Interpretation, a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching, Louisville: John Knox Press.Keenan, J.F., (1999). Commandments of Compassion. Franklin, WI: S.J. Sheed & WardOxford Modern Dictionary (Second Edition), (1996), New York: Oxford University Press.Ritenbaugh, J.W., (December 1997). The Ninth Commandment, Forerunner, Personal. Charlotte, NC: Church of t he Great GodSt. John in the Wilderness [online] (2001). The Ten Commandments: 9. You shall not answer against your neighbor as a false witness. Accessed at October 2 2005.Timmerman, J.H., (1997). Do we still need the Ten Commandments? A fresh look at God’s Laws of Love. Minneapolis: Augsburg
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Gym Management System Essay
Introduction It is known that exercise is important. Exercise has a great impact in the body as it has all sorts of benefits. Physical activities are very helpful not only on making people fit but also on improving one’s personality. If they have a healthy body, they can be productive in daily life. Exercise increases the energy level. Through it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the whole body helping it to work more efficiently and boost endurance. It is also proven that regular exercise decreases the risk of health problems. Exercise can be fun. Physical activity releases chemicals in our brain called endorphins that are known to make you feel happier and relaxed. A thirty minute workout help improved moods and relieve stress. Doing physical activities are often great opportunity to socialize. Focus and motivation can be achieved to pursue goal which helps by going to the recreation center like going to gym to interacts and communicate with others. ( Fitness gym is one of the places they should visit to perform physical activities. This place has a facilities and equipments that you will use in our training session. There are trainers that give exercise programs and help you to become fit and strong. Every person in the world would like to have a perfect body. In order to have a healthy and a strong body, people would need to consider going to a gym to work out. What do such people expect of a gym? Certainly, patrons would expect a wide selection of equipment available in a gym. Patrons would enjoy well-educated staffs who know everything people want to know about working out. To provide a good quality of service to people, fitness gym should have an organized management system that will provide convenience to their staff to perform their work more efficiently.  The proposed system will give the list of exercises and it will keep records of gym members, attendance of gym employees, inventory and the payment of bills of the customers. This will help in monitoring daily activities in the gym. This proposed system will be helpful to customers because it will guide them in doing proper exercise and improve the productivity of business of gym owners that will provide an excellent service. Statement of the Problem The main problem is how to create, design and develop a Gym Management System that will automate the manual process of registration, manual setting of workouts and training programs, manual transaction, manual encoding of attendance, Manual inventory of equipment’s and lastly the generation of reports. Specific Problem: How do the respondents asses the affectivity of the proposed system. 1.1 Functionality 1.2 Reliability 1.3 Usability 1.4 Maintainability 1.5 Portability Conceptual Framework Figure 1 Paradigm of the Study The conceptual framework the proposed Gym Management system starts in the automation of the manual process from registration and membership, manual setting of workouts and training programs, inventory and transactions and lastly is the generation of reports. The proposed system automates the manual process to come up with the efficient and reliable system that will lessen the manual process. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The proposed system serves as the automated Gym Management System that systematize/manage the old process of registration, inventory and transactions of the Gym. This helps to speed up transaction and give more efficient and reliable data. The Gym Management system is designed in providing productivity in the gym and helps in keeping all the records of daily activity and transactions. This will be developed in Microsoft Visual basic 2010 and Sql Server as the database. Significance of the Study The proposed Gym Management System provides a significant improvement to the owner and its employee above the manual process of registration of new member, payment and inventory. The proposed system will help the following recipients: Gym Owners – The system will provide convenience. Because it keep the record of transactions to their clients, gym equipments and the attendance of employees working in the gym and it will be helpful in monitoring their business. Gym Staff/Personnel – Using an automated system will lessen the effort and avoid hassle in keeping the records. Clients – It will provide privacy on their personal information. They will not be confused on what workout they will do. The system will provide guidelines in performing exercises. Proponents – This system will give them ideas that they can use in their research related to this topic. Definition of Terms For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined: Administrator – a person responsible for running a business, organization,etc ( Exercise – activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness ( Fitness Gym – it’s a place which houses the equipment for the used in physical exercise. It is also the main purpose to create an automated Gym Management System. ( Inventory – it’s a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building. This is also the key goal to automate this manual process. ( SQL Server – SQL Server is Microsoft’s relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a full-featured database primarily designed to compete against competitors. This is the database used in developing the proposed study. CHAPTER II This chapter presents a summary of related literature and studies which were reviewed and evaluate by the researcher for the conceptualization of the study. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES GYM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACADEMIC It gives us great pleasure to present the project on â€Å"Gym Management†prepared sincerely, punctually and with utmost efforts. The contents of this book are presented into many chapters, in order to ease reading. The project has been illustrated with precise data elucidated with neat System Flowchart, dataflow diagram, Entity-Relationship diagram and Use Case diagram that simplify in understanding the software. The project includes the software development tools like c#, crystal reports to present the software very precisely. Meticulous care has been taken to make this project perfect and useful in every respect. ABOUT EXISTING SYSTEM The present system is totally depending on manual data management for different activities such as maintaining details of customer, supplier, Students etc. They maintain Different registers for various activities such as storing and searching data which is tedious and time consuming task. In present system all transactions are done manually with pen and paper so the frequent updating is not possible. Also generating reports, bills accurately is not possible with current system. There are various other problems for instance, if customer come for the inquiry of particular Parcel and if that Parcel is not available then it is difficult to remember about it. In short system is lacking facilities such as searching, deleting, and adding data efficiently and effectively. DRAWBACKS OF EXISTING SYSTEM It utilizes a large amount of space for customer and supplier transaction information in paper files, Sometime manual calculation may be incorrect thus, leading to the incorrect information A large amount of data cannot be viewed at a glance No reminder for customer and Purchaser. Sometime the calculation has to be done manually so it requires a lot of work. Updating is not performed that efficiently and may lead complications. No security as data can be misplaced or damaged. Lastly, it was not offers a user friendly work environment NEED FOR NEW SYSTEM Working with current system is quite tedious, complicated and time consuming task. It may lead errors .certain operations such as surfing searching, adding, removing, entries cannot be done efficiently. Maintaining different registers for various activities such as storing and searching data which is tedious and time consuming task. Generating reports, bills are much tedious task with new system. Hence the organization needs new system with enhanced features. Features such as automatic report generation, bill generation, computing complicated calculations, performing operations such as adding, deleting, updating and searching etc. System should be user friendly. PROPOSED SYSTEM We hereby are grateful to present our software project through this report.Our proposed system is compute based. Which provide various User interfaces (Forms) for various operations and hence interactive. The system is able to generate calculations , bills ,reports automatically. Operations such as adding, removing, searching customers, suppliers and employees can be done efficiently and effectively by proposed system. Adding Parcels category and unit wise is possible with the help of this system. System can efficiently perform various transactions such as sales, purchase and maintain data after each transaction. In short proposed system is user-friendly. FEATURES OF NEW SYSTEM GUI : The proposed system provides better graphical user interface Search : Searching details about customer, supplier, employee, Parcel is comparatively easy Increase Work Speed : Due to automation of some part of system work speed would increase Less Paperwork : For the proposed system less paperwork is required Reduces Error : Due to computerization there are less possibilities of error Economical : Due to minimal errors and work delay proposed system can be economically beneficial to the company Gym Management System Project Gym management system project is a standalone user friendly software application developed in using C# programming language and MS access database. Main objective: Main idea behind developing this project is to manage different types of data in fitness center, gym. Using this software we can manage employee attendance details, members payments, daily attendance, present and absent days of employees and members. Along with these details gym equipment and payments details are also managed. Gym Management System Project Modules Description: Equipment module: In this module we can add, delete, modify gym equipment details like when it is purchased, license , expiry date..etc. Instructor Module: This is also called as employee module where instructor profile details, experience, present and absent details for every day are updated. We can add , modify and delete these details, Member Module: Details of members who are joined are maintained through this application. Members salary, present and absent days details, payment , due information are managed through this module. Billing: Billing module helps in generating bills for members, employees for every month and provide due payment details and we can generate reports for monthly billing. CHAPTER III Methodology of the Study The proponent choose the System Development Life Cycle as the methodology to fasten up the software development process. Method of Study To guide the researchers in developing the study, the proponent use SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) to meet user requirements in their business goals. SDLC is a series of steps and phases for the development of software. The phases of SDLC used are: (1) Data Gathering; (2) Analysis (3) Design; (4) Coding; (5) Testing and Evaluation. Data Gathering Phase is a collection of information that will be use to develop the system. The proponent studied the data needed by observing and conducting an interview. And in Analysis Phase is a process of collecting factual data, understand the processes involved, identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system functioning. This involves studying the business processes, gathering operational data, understand the information flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming the weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. ( ystem_Development_Life_Cycle). In Design Phase is based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing.  The logical design produced during the analysis is turned into a physical design – a detailed description of what is needed to solve original problem ( In Coding phase is a system design needs to be implemented to make it a workable system. This is also called the programming phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions, which we refer to as programs. It is an important stage where the defined procedures are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language ( In Testing and Evaluation Phase is actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the system is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data. The output of the test run should match the expected results ( Models Used in Developing the Software Used Case Diagram – It will show the role of each user of the system. In this diagram, we will learn the significance of each respondent on the flow of the system. Activity Diagram – Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams are intended to model both computational and organisational processes (i.e. workflows) ( Database Schema – structure described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS) and refers to the organization of data as a blueprint of how a database is constructed, divided into database tables in the case of Relational Databases ( Tools Used in Developing the Software Adobe Photoshop – it is a photo editing tool created by Adobe Systems Inc. The proponent used this software to enhance photos for the design of the Graphical User Interface of the system. Visual Basic 2010 – programming language created by Microsoft Company, the software that will be use to develop the proposed system. My SQL – is the world’s most popular open source database, enabling the cost-effective delivery of reliable, high-performance and scalable Web-based and embedded database applications ( Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study were IT specialist, Gym owners and clients who assessed the effectiveness of the product based on a set of criteria. The IT experts who will evaluate the system are IT people that have deep technical knowledge on the subject of this research. The Instrument A set of questionnaire was used in assessing the Gym Management system. Description The instrument called the Gym Management Assessment form is an assessment questionnaire. The items were categorized into the two factors: convenience and efficiency factors. Convenience factors were assessed based on three criteria: portability, security and maintainability. Efficiency factors, likewise, were assessed based on the three criteria of reliability, functionality and usability. Each criterion under each factor had 5 questions. Response Mode -Responses were categorized using a 5-point Liker Scale. Scale Description 5 -Strongly Agree 4 -Agree 3 -Moderately Agree 2 -Disagree 1 -Strongly Disagree Chapter IV Results and Discussion This chapter discussed the presentation, analysis and interpretation of all the data collected from the survey of the respondents as clearly stated in chapter 3. After reviewing, the method in this study, this chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the data gathered from the survey questionnaire on UPHSD Automated Clearance. Figure 1 illustrates the step-by-step development process that the proponent undertakes in developing the proposed system. Figure 2 Proposed System Development Flow These are the phases of system development strategy where both users and proponent engaged in the evaluation, design, and implementation. During the requirements planning and design phase, the proponents identify the objectives of the system and the information requirements arising from those objectives. These phase focused on reaching the project goals. During the first phase, the proponent is working with users intensely during the workshop to design the business or non-technical aspects of the system. As soon as these aspects are agreed upon and the systems are built and refined, a new system or part of the system are tested and then introduced to the Gym management. Use Case Diagram Use case diagrams are used to present a graphical overview of the functionality of a is a type of static structure diagram that represents the user interactions with a system. This diagram portrays the different types of users and the various ways they interact with the system. In UML, the user is called actorand he can be human or an external system. The links between an actor and a use case are called associations. Use cases can be generalized, extended and included. Figure below contains the relationships and actors that illustrates and discussed the different set of structures of actions. Figure 3 Use Case Diagram Activity Diagram Figure Below exhibits thorough avctivity of registration of Gym Members and requires details to creat new account. Only the administrator can validate and verify the registration. Upon verification and approval new account is created. Figure 4 Activity Diagram Figure 5 Activity Diagram of User This figure shows the process flow of the User or the Gym Members. Once the user successfully logged on the system he/she can view the registration form, view of training programs, workouts, prices. He/she can also view his/her attendance. Figure 6 Activity Diagram for Administrator This figure illustrates the administrator different accessibility on the system. He/she plays a major role in this proposed system. He/ she will be the one who can access the registration of new members, viewing of the Attendance, work outs, trainings, transactions and also the generation of reports for this proposed system. Database Schema The figure below illustrates the database design and its entity relationship diagram of the different tables used in the database system. The diagram illustrates the one to one relationships among the table customers and customer transactions. The diagram demonstrates the relationship from one table to another. Figure 7 DataBase Schema Hardware Requirements This table below discussed the requirements of proposed system upon implementation. Category Specifications Architecture Dual Core Processor Processor Speed 1.10 GHz RAM 1gb Hard Drive 80 to 500 Gb sata Ethernet Adapter only supported ethernet adapter installed on computer Modem 56k Baud Rate Monitor Any Graphics Card Any Keyboard Any Mouse any Printer Any Chapter V Recommendations General recommendations The proponent brings up the significance of the proposed system along with the value of recommendations. The Gym Management System has attained its objectives. Thus the proponents recommend that the software must be implemented and can be adopted by any Gym or fitness business in reasons of it will allow the automation of manual process of membership registration, setting of workouts and training programs, viewing of attendance, transactions, inventory and generations of reports. This will speed up the manual process and gives effective, convenient and more reliable Gym Management System. The proponent chose the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology to expedite the software development process. The SDLC provides structured system development methodologies that guide the systems development effort toward quality systems that meet the user requirements and are delivered within time and budget. The traditional waterfall model has morphed into different methodologies that attempt to overcome some inherent weaknesses of this traditional model and other older models developed after the waterfall, which will be examined in the section below. This continued adaptation of the SDLC to meet current challenges in information systems development is expected to continue and is the crux of the validation of its continued relevance in information systems development. Some of these newer models include Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM), Rapid Application Development (RAD) Extreme Programming (XP) Spiral, Fountain, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize and stabilize. The proponents used the descriptive narrative survey method to gather data. Statistical research describes data and characteristics about population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answer the question who, what, where, when, now. The proponent selected 20 Gym members to serves as respondents of the proposed system. Performance will be acceptable to the end users requirements and delivering the system fully functional. The study used the following statistical treatment; the distribution shows the number of responses obtained for each statement or item in the questionnaire. Conclusion The proponents came up with the following conclusion based on the findings: Based on the surveys and questionnaire the respondents came up that the Gym Management System is more effective and convenient to use. Registration, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 4.31; Log In, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97; User Friendly Features, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97; Inventory of Items, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97; Generation of reports, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97;
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich Essays - Adolf Hitler, Free Essays
The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich Essays - Adolf Hitler, Free Essays The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich title = The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich The Rise and Fall of Hitlers Reich Feeling that all was lost, Hitler shot himself on April 30, 1945. By orders formally given by him before his death, SS officers immersed Hitlers body in gasoline and burned it in the garden of the Chancellery. Soon after the suicide of Hitler, the German forces surrendered. The war was officially over; however, the world was only beginning to realize the extent of its horror. The rise and sudden fall of Hitler had a sensational effect on people and nations around the world. On Easter Sunday April 20, 1889, at an inn called the Gasth of Zum Pommer, the wife of an Austrian Customs official gave birth to a son, Adolf Hitler. He was the fourth child to the parents of Alois and Klara Hitler of Austria. Hitler was a good student. He took singing lessons and sang in the church choir. When he hit an adolescent age, he began to rebel. When Hitlers dad acquired a top ranking job in the military, he wanted his son to work hard so that he might become a civil servant. Hitler wanted nothing of it. He wanted to become an artist like he always dreamed. One of the teachers in his high school classified young Hitler as "notorious, cantankerous, willful, arrogant, and irascible. He has an obvious difficulty in fitting in at school." He did well enough to get by in some of his courses but had no time for subjects that did not interest him. Years later, his former school mates would remember how Adolf would taunt his teachers and draw sketches of them in his school notebooks. Forty years later, in the sessions at his headquarters which produced the record of his table talk, Hitler recalled several times the teachers of his school days with contempt. "They had no sympathy with youth. Their one object was to stuff our brains and turn us into erudite apes themselves. If any pupil showed the slightest trace of originality, they persecuted him relentlessly". Adolf saw no real reason to stay in high school. He left school at age sixteen without a leaving certificate. In September 1907, Hitler left home taking with him all the money left to him by his father, who had died a few years earlier. The money would be enough for tuition and board at the art school in Vienna. The Vienna School of Fine Arts had strict entrance requirements. After taking the preliminary examination, the applicant was asked to submit drawings. Biblical drawings were most preferred. Hitlers drawings were returned saying they were "too wooden and too lifeless." He was rejected. He tried three months later and did not get past the preliminary exam. His artist career was over. His mother died two months later on December 21st 1907. Hitler moved into an apartment with his friend in Vienna. He pretended to be a student living off his relatives money. He read many books and sat in on the Austrian government sessions . Hitler speaks of his life in Vienna as "five years in which I had to earn my daily bread, first as a casual laborer, then as a painter of little trifles." He loitered about the streets and was hungry. He painted water postcards and peddled them on the streets. He drew several advertising posters for such things as soap, cigarettes, and deodorant. In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich. Life was not much better there until the First World War started in 1914. While many people were frightened and sad at the thought of a world war, Hitler was delighted. He held the rank of corporal, and in forty-seven battles he served on the Western Front as a dispatch runner, delivering messages back and forth between the front lines and the officers in the rear. His courage during one of these missions earned him the Iron Cross, a highly prized medal for bravery that was rarely awarded to a mere corporal . On October 13th 1918, a month before Germany surrendered to the Allies, his good luck ran out. When Hitler and his fellow dispatch runners were waiting in
Monday, October 21, 2019
Fiduciary Duty Essays - Loans, Fiduciary, Mortgage Loan, Creditor
Fiduciary Duty Essays - Loans, Fiduciary, Mortgage Loan, Creditor Fiduciary Duty A fiduciary relationship is defined as a relationship in which one person is under a duty to act for the benefit of another on matters within the scope of the relationship. A fiduciary is defined as a person who is required to act for the benefit of another person on all matters within the scope of their relationship. In the seminal case Garrett v. Bankwest, Inc., the Supreme Court of South Dakota held that a fiduciary relationship exists between a lender and a borrower only if, (1) the borrower reposes faith, confidence, and trust in the lender, (2) the borrower is in a position of inequality, dependence, weakness, or lack of knowledge, and (3) the lender exercises dominion, control, or influence over the borrower?s affairs. All three of the elements must exist in order to establish a fiduciary duty between a lender and a borrower. The court also held that the relationship between a lender and borrower is generally viewed as a debtor-creditor relationship which imposes no special or fiduciary duties on a bank. The courts have generally ruled that when a fiduciary duty does exist, it is because the relationship between the lender and the borrower goes beyond typical contractual agreements. The majority of cases in Alabama show that the courts hold that lenders do not owe a borrower a fiduciary duty out of a basic creditor-debtor relationship. In Lee v. United Fed. Sav. The buyers applied for and received a loan from the United Federal Savings and Loan Association to purchase a house. After purchasing the house, the buyers found several structural problems and went to United Federal concerning them. United Federal referred the buyers to the firm that had inspected the house, and they then learned that the inspection report written prior to the purchase had identified the structural issues. The buyers filed suit against United Federal and others claiming that they had established ?a confidential relationship, or special circumstances between the parties, under which the law imposed a duty on United Federal to disclose all material information it possessed about the condition of the house.? The court ruled that that just because a financial institution lends money for the purchase of a house, it does not create a confidential relationship which imposes a duty to disclose facts at their disposal (even if they have knowle dge of defects in the house). The court stated that, ?We decline to recognize any such duty between United Federal and the Lees (the buyers) under the facts presented, which indicate to us an arm?s length transaction. Absent a confidential relationship, no duty to disclose exists The court determined that only a debtor-creditor relationship existed and the circumstances do not create a confidential relationship. Therefore, the lender owed no fiduciary duty to the borrower. In McIntyre Electric Serv., Inc. v. SouthTrust Bank of Mobile, McIntyre Electric filed suit against SouthTrust Bank after the bank cancelled the company?s credit and demanded payment on all outstanding loans. McIntyre Electric had conducted business and borrowed money from SouthTrust for eight to nine years prior to filing suit. In 1980 and 1981 the company experienced financial difficulties, was extended credit by SouthTrust and was assured that the bank would ?stand behind McIntyre financially in order that McIntyre Electric might reach financial stability.? McIntyre had contemplated going out of business but had decided to continue operating after receiving the commitment from SouthTrust. In their argument to the court, McIntyre asserted that those circumstances created a fiduciary relationship with SouthTrust. The court ruled that only a debtor-creditor relationship existed and that SouthTrust had no control or influence over McIntyre?s business except as a creditor. In thi s case, even though the lender had pledged to help the borrower remain in business, a relationship establishing fiduciary duty did not exist. Another case which addresses fiduciary duty is Ex parte Ford Motor Credit Co. In this case, the buyer of an automobile filed suit against the automobile dealership and the credit company when he learned of the existence of a commission on his loan between the two. The buyer
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Like Serves Nouns and Pronouns, Not Verbs
Like Serves Nouns and Pronouns, Not Verbs â€Å"Like†Serves Nouns and Pronouns, Not Verbs â€Å"Like†Serves Nouns and Pronouns, Not Verbs By Daniel Scocco Like is associated with various uncouth usages â€Å"They were, like, all over the place†; â€Å"I was, like, ‘Really?’†common in speech but easily avoided (except for comic effect) in writing, but many people are unaware that another widespread usage is considered improper in formal writing. As a preposition meaning â€Å"similar to,†like is associated with nouns (â€Å"She entered the room like an empress†) and pronouns (â€Å"I don’t know anyone like him†). However, when the word connects one clause (a segment of a sentence that includes a subject and a verb) to another, it impersonates a conjunction: â€Å"He started dancing like his pants were on fire†; â€Å"I arranged the furniture like it had appeared before.†Note, though, that this usage, though ubiquitous in conversation and in informal writing, is not considered acceptable in formal writing; like should be replaced, respectively, by â€Å"as if†(He started dancing as if his pants were on fire†) or as: (â€Å"I arranged the furniture as it had appeared before†). Replacing as with â€Å"the way†is also acceptable: â€Å"I arranged the furniture the way it had appeared before.†(But beware of hypercorrection; as is erroneous when, with the same intent, it precedes a noun: â€Å"She entered the room as an empress†means that the subject literally became, rather than merely resembled, royalty. But â€Å"She entered the room as an empress would†is correct, because the emphasis is then on the subject’s action, not on the type of person the subject is compared to.) In the case of a sentence such as â€Å"Like many first-time visitors do, I stared, dumbstruck, at the vista before me,†either change like to as (â€Å"As many first-time visitors do, I stared, dumbstruck, at the vista before me†) or delete the verb at the end of the introductory phrase (â€Å"Like many first-time visitors, I stared, dumbstruck, at the vista before me†). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers50 Idioms About Fruits and VegetablesAppropriate vs. Apropos vs. Apt
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Corporate Social Responsibility Reports - Essay Example The essay "Corporate Social Responsibility Reports" discusses the relationship the corporate social responsibility report has with all its stakeholders like employees, communities, customers, suppliers, governments, and environment and whether it provides the shareholders and all the stakeholders with useful information. The readers of a CSR report expect that the company should go beyond simple community affairs in their report. Companies which are new to this CSR reporting may confine the CSR reports to reporting only the charitable giving and the volunteer programs. Corporations are now increasingly expected to issue the CSR report to their stakeholders. A CSR report which focuses only on the community is too narrow to be considered as a comprehensive reporting on their commitments to the community through the CSR report. Such Community affairs reports may be useful for the local communities which want to understand how the firms support their causes. But they fail to provide the others with substantive information which is necessary to assess the strengths and the weakness of a corporation to all its stakeholders. There are many accounting theories in this respect. The Stakeholder theory implies that a business has to interact with a number of parties in the environment. These groups or actors are known as the stakeholders. They can be investors, customers, political groups, employees, communities, trade associations, governments, suppliers etc. The communication between them is bidirectional in nature. (Deegan and Rankin, 1996, pp. 50-69). It means that the business influences the stakeholders while the stakeholders also influence the business at the same time. Figure 1: Directions of influence between the business and the stakeholders Stake in a business is defined as the potential benefit which a company provides to the stakeholders. Business has to consider many people, groups or anyone who have interest in the business. This theory can be viewed as ins trumental, descriptive or normative. Presence of any relationship between the stakeholders and the profitability denotes the instrumental nature of the theory (Hooghiemstra, 2000, pp. 55-68). Explanation of the past, present and future of the business and the stakeholders denotes the descriptive nature of the theory. Presenting the function of the business through codes of conduct denotes the normative perspective. According to several studies, it is unethical to focus only on the intent of the shareowners and not on the interest of the customers and employers. The central idea of this theory is that it is not only the shareowners but also the interest of cast set of stakeholders which needs to be satisfied by the managers. According to this theory, there is more than just profit maximizing ability of the firm (Mahoney, Thorne, Cecil and LaGore, 2013, pp. 350-359). The firm needs
Statistics Canada, Lafour force surve of, Victoria, Bristish Essay
Statistics Canada, Lafour force surve of, Victoria, Bristish coloumbia, Canada - Essay Example Forestry, fishing, mining, quarying, oil and gas industry. In 2003 this industry was on the peak of the employment rates in B.C., before trade dispute between the Unites States and Canada took place. This trade dispute resulted in a drop in the price of lumber to the extremely low point and penalties imposing on shipment of Canadian lumber (Exports 2002). Some of the mills were closed and obviously had its impact on the employment in the B.C. Construction has shown employment growth tendency by 2005 and has achieved its lowest point in 2012 during the whole period from 2003-2013. Obviously, the growth in 2005 in this sector relates to doubling of housing starts in British Columbia, strength in building permits and investment in non-residential building (Labour Force Statistics 2004). Accommodation and food services sector has been a strong sector in the region during 2004-2005, however in 2005 there was observed continuous decline of the employment share in this sector. However, by 2006 this sector had one of the largest shares of the workforce even during its falling in 2006. Statistics Canada (2013). Table 282-0061 – Labour force survey estimates (LFS), employment by economic region and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (persons). Available at
Friday, October 18, 2019
Skadurz Pro Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Skadurz Pro Case - Essay Example Skateboarding and snowboarding used to be fads, but they have matured into mainstream sports events. At the same time, they have maintained their following as a hobby for many amateurs. Both as a sport and a hobby, the patrons of this activity are either adolescents, teen-agers or young adults, as the activity is too strenuous for older adults. Also, it may be assumed that the clothing lines carried by the stores are those that cater to the youth’s tastes and preferences. Greater safety consciousness has prompted the use of mandatory safety gear, including helmet, elbow and knee pads, items which could be included, as it most likely was, in the goods for sale in Skadurz. This would have added to potential sales in the stores. Location: Sudbury is a relatively young city, with the median age at 39, and about one-third of all the residents are below 25 years of age. There are also a dozen high school in the are, two colleges and one university, indicating that young people residing outside the city would certainly be visiting it on a regular basis, because they would be enrolling and studying in these academic institutions. Maintaining the status quo would entail no extra expense, but store performances may suffer if Connie retires and Joel takes over management of both stores. Hiring a new manager may be needed. Also, this does not address the threat of the new competition If South End were shut down, the advantage is that New Sudbury accounts for approximately 60% of the sales and the profits (see Table 1), and thus has a stronger market. The disadvantage is that the existing market may weaken because of the new competition in the area (West 49), and if this store fails, then Skadurz would have lost both South End and New Sudbury markets. If New Sudbury were shut down, Skadurz would immediately lose 60% of its sales and profits. On other other hand,
What is the difference between government and governance Essay
What is the difference between government and governance - Essay Example The concept of governance has become prominent in the last decade, and it is considered as the modern political scenario. The notion governance covers a broad range of meanings. One of its very important scopes is the idea that, differing to the classic forms of ‘government’, modern governance is not limited to the national boarders and is not the region of professional politicians. It refers to models of decision-making, taking place in a larger set of institutions, with a broader range of performers and practices. One of the main objectives of those who preserve this new thought is indeed to enlarge the established notion of public contribution beyond the well recognized and constantly waning events of representative democracy. This most likely explains why the concept has found a favourable ground in non state polities such as the European Union. Within this kind of multi-layered polities, electoral systems only play a limited role. The European Parliament has been el ected by universal right of voting since 1979. The Council of Ministers and the European Council are not affected by European elections, and the composition of the Commission is only dependent on the results of these international elections. In this institutional system, where autonomy is pooled and accountability remains divided (Peterson, 1997), elections can not ‘throw the scoundrels out’ (Weiler, 1999). As it does not correspond to the methods of participation and accountability with which citizens are familiar, the EU is often said to suffer from an cordial ‘democratic deficit’, and its constitutional reform is the entity of a permanent debate. Improving its governance is one of the approaches recently suggested to face this major limit of European integration (Magnette, 2003). The earlier thought that national governments are the key actors in public policy and that they are able to power the economy and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Tablet Devices and Comfort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tablet Devices and Comfort - Essay Example We have the slate tablet which is also referred to as the iPad.It has a touchscreen unit which and does not have a keyboard. Lastly, there is the rugged tablet that can stand all the rough handling by the students. They have hard drives that are usually shock protected. Some people argue that the tablet devices should replace the books that learners use in their classrooms. Using the tablets may have various disadvantages to the learners like the costs. Some of them are expensive and not each parent can afford to buy for their children. Background The tablet devices may have their advantages but some people choose to be against it. In the world today, the education system has been in the recent years become technological. Many learners now are able to use computers at school and at home. Looking at the question of using the traditional books that almost all the schools use, some parents and most students find it very hectic to move around carrying bags to schools. Some of the bags ar e very heavy and may cause the students to acquire diseases of the lower back. Both the books and the tablet devices have their advantages and the disadvantages. From the kindergarten to most universities in the world today, tablet devices are playing the biggest role in the education system.  The tablets may enhance their urge for going to school. With the use of tablets in schools, students are able to prepare themselves for the 21st-century workforce which uses the tablets for the smooth running of their work. Tablet devices may be seen as very costly as compared to the traditional books. Other than that, they have advantages to the parents and the learners. First of all, the tablet devices have apps. The apps are important and very efficient because whether the device is pointed to the sky or elsewhere, the educational apps make learning fun for many kids especially those in the elementary level. In the classroom settings, the use of the apps can be used by tutors who will give the learners the curiosity to learn more. The apps are used as a research tool for all the students especially in colleges (Jarrett and Su 25). If one compares the tablets and the traditional books, it is evident that the books are not very interesting and many learners don’t find it very interesting to use them in a classroom setting. Secondly, the tablet devices bring about interactiveness among the learners and all the teachers. The uses of the tablets that were used in the 20th century like the computers have video games that mostly bring the learners together. As a result of this, they learn and most of them think very differently. For a classroom to have the very interactive lesson, they need to have tablets which engage the students and thus giving them interactive experiences. These experiences cannot be found when the students just use books in the class. The tutor needs to have outside class activities in order for them to interact with the students.
Business Ethics of Tiger Automotive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Ethics of Tiger Automotive - Essay Example The present study would focus on Tiger Automotive that has an original product that has the advantage of having the patent for a fuel-efficient device, and at the same time, the product is beneficial to the consumer as it increase the average car’s mileage by about 45%. More importantly, the patent right protects the company’s product from direct competition hence a complete monopoly in the market which means the company is a price giver. This has resulted in the product being priced at  £45 even though the total cost is  £1. The ethical dilemma is based on overpricing product. However, a manager is faced with the dilemma of maintaining the moral standard of adopting actions that would be preferable to the self-interest of the company of maximizing profits without considering the interest of the public especially the consumers. This dilemma is supported by the fact that the organisation is responsible for its corporate acts that emanates from choices and actions of human individuals, who are the primary bearers of moral duties and responsibility of the organisation and its act. This is an objective that is supported by Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’, which supports this as an ethical way of achieve the best self interest of the stakeholders. At the same time, Tiger Automotives has the economic responsibility of generating the greatest profits for the company and benefits for society depending on the Pareto optimality whereby the markets are fully competitive, all customers are fully informed and all external and internal costs are fully included. In the same light, Tiger Automotives has the legal requirement of taking the action that fully complies with the law. This is because the law in a democratic society represents the minimal moral standards of all the people within that society, provided it can be shown that the self-interests of the various groups including individuals, groups and organisations have been included in the formulation process. Using the requirements and responsibilities explained above, this scenario creates an ethical dilemma for the manager. Ethics as defined by Velasquez (2001) can be perceived to be the study of morality and moral standards. The moral standard that the manager is faced with is adopting actions that would be preferable to the self-interest of the company of maximizing profits without considering the interest of the public especially the consumers. By putting their interest in front of the interest of the stakeholders, it is perfect to state that the manager has a moral dilemma due to the fact that the organisation is responsible for its corporate acts that emanates from choices and actions of human individuals, who are the primary bearers of moral duties and responsibility of the organisation and its act. In any organisation, its business ethics practices should be geared towards advancing moral standards as they apply to business policies, institutions, and be havior. According to Velasquez (2001), business ethics need to include analysis of moral norms and values. As a result, its implementation should be in its practice especially in systemic and corporate issues that are ethical and are concerned with individual, society and organisations. The manager, while acting as an agent of the organisatio
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tablet Devices and Comfort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tablet Devices and Comfort - Essay Example We have the slate tablet which is also referred to as the iPad.It has a touchscreen unit which and does not have a keyboard. Lastly, there is the rugged tablet that can stand all the rough handling by the students. They have hard drives that are usually shock protected. Some people argue that the tablet devices should replace the books that learners use in their classrooms. Using the tablets may have various disadvantages to the learners like the costs. Some of them are expensive and not each parent can afford to buy for their children. Background The tablet devices may have their advantages but some people choose to be against it. In the world today, the education system has been in the recent years become technological. Many learners now are able to use computers at school and at home. Looking at the question of using the traditional books that almost all the schools use, some parents and most students find it very hectic to move around carrying bags to schools. Some of the bags ar e very heavy and may cause the students to acquire diseases of the lower back. Both the books and the tablet devices have their advantages and the disadvantages. From the kindergarten to most universities in the world today, tablet devices are playing the biggest role in the education system.  The tablets may enhance their urge for going to school. With the use of tablets in schools, students are able to prepare themselves for the 21st-century workforce which uses the tablets for the smooth running of their work. Tablet devices may be seen as very costly as compared to the traditional books. Other than that, they have advantages to the parents and the learners. First of all, the tablet devices have apps. The apps are important and very efficient because whether the device is pointed to the sky or elsewhere, the educational apps make learning fun for many kids especially those in the elementary level. In the classroom settings, the use of the apps can be used by tutors who will give the learners the curiosity to learn more. The apps are used as a research tool for all the students especially in colleges (Jarrett and Su 25). If one compares the tablets and the traditional books, it is evident that the books are not very interesting and many learners don’t find it very interesting to use them in a classroom setting. Secondly, the tablet devices bring about interactiveness among the learners and all the teachers. The uses of the tablets that were used in the 20th century like the computers have video games that mostly bring the learners together. As a result of this, they learn and most of them think very differently. For a classroom to have the very interactive lesson, they need to have tablets which engage the students and thus giving them interactive experiences. These experiences cannot be found when the students just use books in the class. The tutor needs to have outside class activities in order for them to interact with the students.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Segregation in Labor Markets, Neighborhood, Education, and Criminal Essay
Segregation in Labor Markets, Neighborhood, Education, and Criminal Justice - Essay Example With the slightest earthquakes, cracks mark the surface, and even the toughest man or sturdiest structure feels its effects and aftershock so as the blow of recession is faced by both white collared and blue collared workers. From late 2007 to early 2009, a dramatic decline in job vacancies and pairing market deterioration caused rising number in unemployment and permanent layoffs as this is by far the worst recession in American history in equivalence to the coined name Great Recession where, as reported, resulted to 10.6 million jobs deficit in just two years. And even with the declared end of the Great Recession in early 2009, the height of unemployment rates continues to shoot upward as the government strives to face the colossal job creation challenge in order to get a resilient economic recovery (Peck, 2010). Three years has passed and the government is still running the same marathon with the victory far from sight. As explained by Peck (2010), the Great Recession may be techn ically over but going back to the normal economic state is still afar. He used the words â€Å"New Jobless Era†to define this time when job opportunities and offerings sink to the bottom. As the government and its policy makers cogitate for ways to solve this, there is one query at the mind of the population, how does this novel system affect the lives and behavior of the people? Can everyone easily cope or will they be impelled to do things unthinkable in order to survive? Both media and labor unions had their eyes pinned on the concurrent lay-offs the following years yet all that was given were only sympathy and not any solution to the problem. The real problem is not absence of work for work has always been available, but it is the dearth of a real job and the career path together with its health benefits and chances for promotion that kills the middle class Americans that used to have a comfortable living. Aronowitz and DeFazio (2010) elucidated that what is offered now are contractual works that offers employment and income only for a specified period of time lacking the stability that it used to offer. They further discussed that the reasons behind this phenomenon are the outsourcing of production to other countries and cybernetics. For a much cheaper labor cost, computer companies such as Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and even some other electrical and automotive companies ought to send production processing off-shore to countries that offer much cheaper salary rates and higher number of workers. This scheme maximizes the company’s production budget while still producing high quality materials for the market. On the other hand, cybernetics and automation had been part of everyone’s daily living including in some factories where robotics replaced the then job of one human highly skilled for that certain task. Automation is a path worth investing by the capitalists for this requires no health benefits or retirement plans and offers p recise production at much faster rate. An example is the bankruptcy of Solyndra and New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI), which both used to be the powerhouse manufacturers of solar products and automotives respectively. Both were struck and defeated by their off shore competitions as the jobs were brought to
Monday, October 14, 2019
Recent developments in health and social care policy Essay Example for Free
Recent developments in health and social care policy Essay This essay will evaluate recent developments within Health and Social care policy. It will focus on the development of charges within the NHS, the ideology behind it and its impact on women, different ethnicities and those living in poverty. It will then go on to analyse the differences in formation and adaption of this policy from devolved governments in Wales and Scotland. Before the start of the ‘welfare state’ in 1948, the majority of Health and Social care services were subsidised by benevolent donations to voluntary hospitals, or through service users paying for their own care. This is due to the ideology of the time being that of the government not being responsible for the nation and that people were to stand on their own two feet and support themselves. However, following the massive devastation to the country, both physically and mentally, following WWII, the government’s ideology changed. The labour government in power at the time felt that the nation’s welfare was their responsibility and so the ‘welfare state’ was born. Everyone was entitled to free NHS health care and there was no criteria or eligibility attached. In 1952 the first charges had been introduced in an effort to fund the rapid growth of costs incurred by the NHS, people now had to pay for prescriptions, dentures and spectacles. This move was due to the government’s ideology slowly changing to one of paying for yourself if you can afford to do so, and eligibility and criteria was attached to certain services. If you did not meet the requirements you had to pay. During the 1980s, under the Conservative governance of Margaret Thatcher, the ideology had gone full circle and was back to that of non-dependence of the ‘Welfare State’ and the responsibility of the nation lay with the individual, not the government. It was a time of taking away universalism with a residual attitude. As a result of this shift in attitude present charges were increased and new charges were introduced as a means to reduce public spending (Thornes, 2000:97). Eligibility, criteria and targeting meant that only those most vulnerable were able to access Health and Social care services for free. In 2013 the present ideology is similar to that of 1952. The Conservative, Liberal Democrat coalition government maintain the ideology of taking away universalism and standing on your own two feet. They feel that in having charges for NHS services the stigma attached to welfare will be reduced and individuals will feel that they deserve the service they are accessing (Thorne, 2000:97). The government also feel that it will prevent the abuse of free services by discouraging people from using Health and social care services which they are not in need of. This is evident with the proposal for those that visit AE to be charged ? 10 as a means to prevent unnecessary use of the service. AE specialist believe that 30% 40% of visits are unnecessary and that in having a ? 10 charge upon arrival, which is fully refunded should the condition warrant AE attention, will significantly reduce the amount of people taking up vital resources (Campbel, 2014). This charge is set to reduce unnecessary visits and waiting times to those who are in actual need of emergency care, however experts feel that they will ‘penalise poorer patients’. Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard, a spokeswoman for the Royal College of GPs has said that Charging patients for the use of emergency departments would put us on the slippery slope towards the Americanisation of healthcare, where only those who can afford to get it get the care and attention they need, (Campbel, 2014). Dr Mark Porter, chairman of the BMA, said: The majority of GPs and hospital doctors are committed to an NHS that delivers care on the basis of need and not the ability to pay. In this survey, two thirds of GPs state they are against [charges] for using AE services †¦ it runs the risk of deterring vulnerable patients who genuinely need help from seeking treatment at a time when many people, from all backgrounds, are struggling financially. (Campbel, 2014). This shows that the government is not promoting equality and that services will only be available to those that can afford them. Another charge which is proving to be detrimental is that of the 2011 charge for care during pregnancy and childbirth to migrant women. This policy has had a negative impact on both those giving and receiving care. Migrant women are not attending appointments or are running away from hospitals as a result of being unable to pay thousands of pounds for treatment, this puts both mother and baby at risk of complications which are not detected in early pregnancy, which is evident in a newspaper article from December 2013 highlighting the negative impact of the policy in which midwives are warning us that the fees are endangering migrant women (Taylor, 2013). Susan Bewley, a professor of complex obstetrics at Kings College London agrees that charging migrant women for NHS antenatal care is putting pregnant women in danger (Taylor, 2013). The policy is written in very complicated language which means that eligibility and criteria is very hard for migrant women and professionals to understand and is resulting in some pregnant women being declined treatment and care due to misinterpretation. This goes against the core values of midwifery. In an article in the Nursing Times, David Foster wrote about the 6 Cs of Health and Social care and how they are essential for the NHS to deliver fair, consistent care to those who require it ( Foster, 2012:12). In declining care to migrant women, midwives are not only ignoring the core values of midwifery, they are putting lives at risk and failing to fulfil basic Human rights and are not promoting equality. In March 2011 the department of health published the NHS constitution, which sets out the core principles of the NHS. One principle which is in contradiction to the charges placed on pregnant women is that â€Å"We have a responsibility to maximise the benefits we obtain from NHS resources, ensuring they are distributed fairly to those most in need. Nobody should be discriminated or disadvantaged and everyone should be treated with equal respect and importance†(NHS choices, 2013). Care, compassion, courage, communication, commitment and competency are values which should be predominant within midwifery, however in adhering to the 2011 policy midwives are failing to maintain the 6Cs. Communication is a big issue as the policy is open to misinterpretation and so compassion and care are also lacking within the sector as midwives are refusing care to women (Taylor, 2013). The commitment to provide the best possible care to all pregnant women is being compromised as some midwives have been quoted as feeling like ‘Immigration officers’ and so their roles are under question (Taylor, 2013). In another article in the Nursing Times by Maria Flynn, she explains that organisational culture, policy and politics can exert a damaging influence on caring values (Flynn, 2013:12) which supports the negative impact the charges are having within the midwifery profession. After the Francis report was published, following the incidents within the Mid Staffordshire hospital, it was found that nurses and midwives felt frustrated at not being able to fulfil their role correctly as a result of the restrictions put in place by policies and that the compassion deficit is more likely to be down to political ideology driving health policies then shortcomings in caring values . After extensive research I have been unable to find any positive impacts on both service users and providers with regard to the implementation of charges within the NHS. According to an article from the BBC news Scotland the department of health claim that charges were introduced to ‘plug gaps in funding’ and that the fees raised around ? 450 million a year, which is the salaries of 18,000 nurses or 3,500 hospital consultants (BBC news Scotland, 2011). However it is apparent that the fees are not being spent on employing more staff as Laura Donnelly, health correspondent for the Telegraph reports. There is currently a shortage of 20,000 nurses within the NHS and an investigation into 14 hospitals with unusually high death rates highlights the common factor as inadequate staffing levels (Donnelly, 2014). On 1 April 2011 prescription charges were abolished in Scotland. BBC news Scotland reports that â€Å"The Scottish Greens said it believed there should be equal access to the NHS and that meant free access to everyone at the point of use, including free prescription. (BBC news Scotland, 2011). Daniel Martin, of the Mail online, described it as â€Å"the latest example of ‘medical apartheid’, where the devolved nations enjoy better health services despite paying far less tax per head†(martin, 2011). The ideology of the devolved Scottish government is one of universalism and in helping the majority of the population of Scotland who are living in deprived conditions. The English government still fund Scotland using the Barnett formula: (Martin, 2011). Policies are developed in Scotland by the Scottish parliament, which is made up of 129 public servants who are politically impartial, and the Scottish government. The Scottish parliament debate matters of importance (which are devolved), such as health care, then vote on legislation holding the Scottish government to account. The Scottish government decide how the country is run and implement laws passed by parliament. This is very different to the English way of developing policies as that involves all parties agreeing to what is proposed and is a fair way of ensuring the policy is fit for purpose. With the abolishment of prescription charges the Scottish parliament looked at the savings it would make to families living in poverty and the health benefits to those who could not afford to pay for drugs (Explanatory notes, 2005). However it did not recognise the cost it would have on the health of people suffering with cancer. Due to drug companies charging large amounts for certain cancer drugs, as a result of eradicating prescription charges, the SNHS cannot afford to purchase these drugs and so cancer sufferers are having to either go without or move to England, where the drugs are available. Maureen fleming, 63, faces the dilemma of raising the ? 10,000 needed for a 3 month supply of the cancer drug she needs or to move to England. Scottish labour leader Johan Lamont said the Scottish NHSs ? 7. 2 million bill for paracetamol prescriptions would pay for 200 patients to get cetuximab for a year. She said: In the First Ministers Scotland, if you have a headache your prescription is free. If you have cancer, your prescription can cost ? 3000 a month. (Gardham, 2013). In conclusion it is evident when looking at fees in the English and Scottish NHS that there are positives and negatives to both countries. England may have a lot of criteria and eligibility in order for prescriptions to be free to those who need it, however in having fees in place the NHS in England is able to purchase expensive drugs which are not available to people living in Scotland where prescriptions are free to all. It is apparent that there should be some compromise between both policies in order for those in genuine need to access the care they require.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Cause, Course, and Consequences of world War II :: World War II WWII WW2
World War II, or the Second World War, was a global military conflict which involved a majority of the world's nations, including all of the great powers, organized into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The Allied Powers consisted of the British Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America was known as â€Å"The Big Three†. The Axis Powers consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan, they were part of a military alliance on the signing of the Tripartite Pact in September 1940. There were many causes of World War II. Germany wanted to expand in Europe. Italy wanted to expand in Africa. Japan wanted to expand in Asia & the Pacific. Other causes of the War include: the Treaty of Versailles, rise of dictatorship in Italy and Germany, expansionist policy of the Axis Powers, policy of Appeasement, and the weakness of the League of Nations. Hitler made clear to his generals that victory was the only important thing in war. Victory and Stalemate: while Hitler continued to move his troops eastward, Britain refused to back down under Churchill and Hitler was forced to invade Britain. The British rebuilt the air force and inflicted major losses on the Luffwaffe. Germany had lost the Battle of Britain and postponed the invasion of Britain. War in Asia: Dec. 7, 1941- Pearl Harbor attack. Also attacks on Philippines and advances on Malaya. US declared war on Japan the next day. The Turning Point (1942-1943): The Grand Alliance was created when the U.S. entered. June 4th, Battle of Midway Island, American planes destroyed all 4 attacking Japanese aircraft carriers est. Am. naval superiority in Pacific. Bitter engagements near the Solomon Islands led to faded Japanese fortunes. The Last Years: Axis forces first surrendered in Tunisia on May 13, 1943. Japan surrendered unconditionally on Aug. 14th 1945†¦.marking the end of WWII.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights - Class Struggles :: Wuthering Heights Essays
Wuthering Heights - Class Struggles Conflict is a basic foundation for Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Much of this conflict results from a distinct division of classes and is portrayed through such ways as personal relationships, appearance of characters, and even the setting. The division of classes is based on cultural, economic, and social differences, and it greatly affects the general behavior and actions of each character. The setting of the story at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange provides a clear example of social contrast. While the Heights is depicted as simply typical and "domestic," the Grange is described as a "scene of unprecedented richness" (80). Each house is associated with behavior fitting the description. For example, when Catherine is taken into the Grange, she experiences drastic changes, thus going from a "savage" to a "lady" (80). While at this house, she rises in status, learns manners, and receives great privileges such as not having to work. Heathcliff, on the other hand, learns to classify himself as a member of the lower class, as he does not possess the qualities of those at the Grange. The critical essay explains a main point in Wuthering Heights, Catherine's decision to marry Edgar Linton rather than Heathcliff, and this decision widens the gap between social classes. Edgar Linton is a wealthy man of high status, and Heathcliff is poor and possesses no assets. Catherine does not consider personal feelings, but instead, she focuses on her outward appearance to society. "Edgar Linton will be rich and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighborhood whereas if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars (81). It is obvious that wealth justifies social class, and Catherine strives to achieve high status. The struggle between social classes roughly resembles a real-life conflict during this time. The book was published during the Industrial Revolution, a time of great economic change in which laborers fought for fair conditions in the workplace, and employers fought to defend themselves. People formed groups to work for their own benefit, thus, causing the separation of classes.
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